1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408
// devela::sys::os::linux::consts::termios
//! linux [`termios`] flags
//! [`termios`]:
// -
// -
#![allow(non_camel_case_types, clippy::zero_prefixed_literal)]
use core::ffi::c_uint;
/// [`LinuxTermios`][super::super::LinuxTermios] input flags.
/// [`LinuxTermios`][super::super::LinuxTermios] output flags.
/// [`LinuxTermios`][super::super::LinuxTermios] control flags.
/// [`LinuxTermios`][super::super::LinuxTermios] local flags.
/// Ignore BREAK condition on input.
pub const IGNBRK: c_uint = 0_000_001;
/// Signal interrupt on BREAK.
/// If [`IGNBRK`](Self::IGNBRK) is set, a BREAK is ignored.
/// If it is not set but `BRKINT` is set, then a BREAK causes the input and
/// output queues to be flushed, and if the terminal is the controlling
/// terminal of a foreground process group, it will cause a `SIGINT` to be
/// sent to this foreground process group.
/// When neither `IGNBRK` nor `BRKINT` are set, a BREAK reads as a null byte
/// ('\0'), except when [`PARMRK`](Self::PARMRK) is set, in which case it
/// reads as the sequence `\377` `\0` `\0`.
pub const BRKINT: c_uint = 0_000_002;
/// Ignore framing errors and parity errors.
pub const IGNPAR: c_uint = 0_000_004;
/// Mark parity and framing errors.
/// If this bit is set, input bytes with parity or framing
/// errors are marked when passed to the program.
/// This bit is meaningful only when [`INPCK`](Self::INPCK) is set and
/// [`IGNPAR`](Self::IGNPAR) is not set.
/// The way erroneous bytes are marked is with two preceding
/// bytes, `\377` and `\0`.
/// Thus, the program actually reads three bytes for one erroneous byte
/// received from the terminal.
/// If a valid byte has the value `\377`, and [`ISTRIP`](Self::ISTRIP) is
/// not set, the program might confuse it with the prefix that marks a
/// parity error.
/// Therefore, a valid byte `\377` is passed to the program as two bytes,
/// `\377` `\377`, in this case.
/// If neither `IGNPAR` nor `PARMRK` is set, read a character with a parity
/// error or framing error as `\0`.
pub const PARMRK: c_uint = 0_000_010;
/// Enable input parity checking.
pub const INPCK: c_uint = 0_000_020;
/// Strip off eighth bit.
pub const ISTRIP: c_uint = 0_000_040;
/// Translate `NL` to `CR` on input.
pub const INLCR: c_uint = 0_000_100;
/// Ignore `CR` (carriage return) on input.
pub const IGNCR: c_uint = 0_000_200;
/// Translate CR to NL (carriage return to newline) on input
/// (unless [`IGNCR`](Self::IGNCR) is set).
pub const ICRNL: c_uint = 0_000_400;
/// Map uppercase characters to lowercase on input (not in POSIX).
pub const IUCLC: c_uint = 0_001_000;
/// Enable XON/XOFF flow control on output.
pub const IXON: c_uint = 0_002_000;
/// (XSI) Typing any character will restart stopped output.
/// (The default is to allow just the START character to
/// restart output.)
pub const IXANY: c_uint = 0_004_000;
/// Enable XON/XOFF flow control on input.
pub const IXOFF: c_uint = 0_010_000;
/// Ring bell when input queue is full (not in POSIX).
/// Linux does not implement this bit, and acts as if it is always set.
pub const IMAXBEL: c_uint = 0_020_000;
/// Input is UTF8. (not in POSIX)
/// This allows character-erase to be correctly performed in cooked mode.
/// (since Linux 2.6.4)
pub const IUTF8: c_uint = 0_040_000;
/// Enable implementation-defined output processing.
pub const OPOST: c_uint = 0_000_001;
/// Map lowercase characters to uppercase on output. (not in POSIX)
pub const OLCUC: c_uint = 0_000_002;
/// (XSI) Map NL to CR-NL on output.
pub const ONLCR: c_uint = 0_000_004;
/// Map CR to NL on output.
pub const OCRNL: c_uint = 0_000_010;
/// Don't output CR at column 0.
pub const ONOCR: c_uint = 0_000_020;
/// The `NL` character is assumed to do the carriage-return
/// function; the kernel's idea of the current column is set
/// to 0 after both `NL` and `CR`.
pub const ONLRET: c_uint = 0_000_040;
/// Send fill characters for a delay, rather than using a timed delay.
pub const OFILL: c_uint = 0_000_100;
/// Fill character is ASCII `DEL` (0177).
/// If unset, fill character is ASCII `NUL` ('\0'). (Not implemented on Linux.)
pub const OFDEL: c_uint = 0_000_200;
/// Newline delay mask.
/// Values are [`NL0`](Self::NL0) and [`NL1`](Self::NL1).
/// [requires `_BSD_SOURCE` or `_SVID_SOURCE` or `_XOPEN_SOURCE`]
pub const NLDLY: c_uint = 0_000_400;
/// `NLDLY`: Newline type 0_.
pub const NL0: c_uint = 0_000_000;
/// `NLDLY`: Newline type 1.
pub const NL1: c_uint = 0_000_400;
/// Carriage return delay mask. Values are [`CR0`](Self::CR0),
/// [`CR1`](Self::CR1), [`CR2`](Self::CR2), or [`CR3`](Self::CR3).
/// [requires `_BSD_SOURCE` or `_SVID_SOURCE` or `_XOPEN_SOURCE`]
pub const CRDLY: c_uint = 0_003_000;
/// `CRDLY`: Carriage-return delay type 0.
pub const CR0: c_uint = 0_000_000;
/// `CRDLY`: Carriage-return delay type 1.
pub const CR1: c_uint = 0_001_000;
/// `CRDLY`: Carriage-return delay type 2.
pub const CR2: c_uint = 0_002_000;
/// `CRDLY`: Carriage-return delay type 3.
pub const CR3: c_uint = 0_003_000;
/// Horizontal tab delay mask.
/// Values are [`TAB0`](Self::TAB0), [`TAB1`](Self::TAB1),
/// [`TAB2`](Self::TAB2), [`TAB3`](Self::TAB3)
/// (or `XTABS`, but see the BUGS section).
/// A value of `TAB3`, that is, `XTABS`, expands tabs to spaces
/// (with tab stops every eight columns).
/// [requires `_BSD_SOURCE` or `_SVID_SOURCE` or `_XOPEN_SOURCE`]
/// ## BUGS
/// On the Alpha architecture before Linux 4.16 (and glibc before
/// glibc 2.28), the `XTABS` value was different from `TAB3` and it was
/// ignored by the `N_TTY` line discipline code of the terminal driver
/// as a result (because as it wasn't part of the `TABDLY` mask).
pub const TABDLY: c_uint = 0_014000;
/// `TABDLY`: Horizontal-tab delay type 0.
pub const TAB0: c_uint = 0_000_000;
/// `TABDLY`: Horizontal-tab delay type 1.
pub const TAB1: c_uint = 0_004_000;
/// `TABDLY`: Horizontal-tab delay type 2.
pub const TAB2: c_uint = 0_010_000;
/// `TABDLY`: Horizontal-tab delay type 3.
pub const TAB3: c_uint = 0_014_000;
/// Backspace delay mask.
/// Values are [`BS0`](Self::BS0) or [`BS1`](Self::BS1).
/// (Has never been implemented.)
/// [requires `_BSD_SOURCE` or `_SVID_SOURCE` or `_XOPEN_SOURCE`]
pub const BSDLY: c_uint = 0_020_000;
/// Backspace-delay type 0.
pub const BS0: c_uint = 0_000_000;
/// Backspace-delay type 1.
pub const BS1: c_uint = 0_020_000;
/// Vertical tab delay mask.
/// Values are [`VT0`](Self::VT0) or [`VT1`](Self::VT1).
pub const VTDLY: c_uint = 0_040_000;
/// `VTDLY`: Vertical-tab delay type 0.
pub const VT0: c_uint = 0_000_000;
/// `VTDLY`: Vertical-tab delay type 1.
pub const VT1: c_uint = 0_040_000;
/// Form feed delay mask.
/// Values are [`FF0`](Self::FF0) or [`FF1`](Self::FF1).
/// [requires `_BSD_SOURCE` or `_SVID_SOURCE` or `_XOPEN_SOURCE`]
pub const FFDLY: c_uint = 0_100_000;
/// `FFDLY`: Form-feed delay type 0.
pub const FF0: c_uint = 0_000_000;
/// `FFDLY`: Form-feed delay type 1.
pub const FF1: c_uint = 0_100_000;
/// See: [`TAB3`](Self::TAB3)
pub const XTABS: c_uint = 0_014_000;
/// Character size mask.
/// Values are [`CS5`](Self::CS5), [`CS6`](Self::CS5), [`CS7`](Self::CS5),
/// or [`CS8`](Self::CS5).
pub const CSIZE: c_uint = 0_000_060;
/// `CSIZE`: Character size mask type 5.
pub const CS5: c_uint = 0_000_000;
/// `CSIZE`: Character size mask type 6.
pub const CS6: c_uint = 0_000_020;
/// `CSIZE`: Character size mask type 7.
pub const CS7: c_uint = 0_000_040;
/// `CSIZE`: Character size mask type 8.
pub const CS8: c_uint = 0_000_060;
/// Set two stop bits, rather than one.
pub const CSTOPB: c_uint = 0_000_100;
/// Enable receiver.
pub const CREAD: c_uint = 0_000_200;
/// Enable parity generation on output and parity checking for input.
pub const PARENB: c_uint = 0_000_400;
/// If set, then parity for input and output is odd;
/// otherwise even parity is used.
pub const PARODD: c_uint = 0_001_000;
/// Lower modem control lines after last process closes the
/// device (hang up).
pub const HUPCL: c_uint = 0_002_000;
/// Ignore modem control lines.
pub const CLOCAL: c_uint = 0_004_000;
// (not in POSIX) Baud speed mask (4+1 bits).
// [requires _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE]
// (not in POSIX) Extra baud speed mask (1 bit), included in
// CBAUD. [requires _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE]
// (POSIX says that the baud speed is stored in the termios
// structure without specifying where precisely, and provides
// cfgetispeed() and cfsetispeed() for getting at it. Some
// systems use bits selected by CBAUD in c_cflag, other
// systems use separate fields, for example, sg_ispeed and
// sg_ospeed.)
// (not in POSIX) Block output from a noncurrent shell layer.
// For use by shl (shell layers). (Not implemented on
// Linux.)
// (not in POSIX) Mask for input speeds. The values for the
// CIBAUD bits are the same as the values for the CBAUD bits,
// shifted left IBSHIFT bits. [requires _BSD_SOURCE or
// _SVID_SOURCE] (Not implemented in glibc, supported on
// Linux via TCGET* and TCSET* ioctls; see ioctl_tty(2))
// (not in POSIX) Use "stick" (mark/space) parity (supported
// on certain serial devices): if PARODD is set, the parity
// bit is always 1; if PARODD is not set, then the parity bit
// is always 0. [requires _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE]
// (not in POSIX) Enable RTS/CTS (hardware) flow control.
// [requires _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE]
/// Enable signals.
/// When any of the characters `INTR`, `QUIT`, `SUSP`, or `DSUSP` are
/// received, generate the corresponding signal.
pub const ISIG: c_uint = 0_000_001;
/// Enable canonical mode (erase and kill processing).
pub const ICANON: c_uint = 0_000_002;
/// If ICANON is also set, terminal is uppercase only.
/// (not in POSIX; not supported under Linux)
/// Input is converted to lowercase, except for characters preceded by `\`.
/// On output, uppercase characters are preceded by `\` and lowercase characters
/// are converted to uppercase.
/// [requires `_BSD_SOURCE` or `_SVID_SOURCE` or `_XOPEN_SOURCE`]
pub const XCASE: c_uint = 0_000_004;
/// Echo input characters.
pub const ECHO: c_uint = 0_000_010;
/// If [`ICANON`](Self::ICANON) is also set, the `ERASE` character erases
/// the preceding input character, and `WERASE` erases the preceding word.
pub const ECHOE: c_uint = 0_000_020;
/// If [`ICANON`](Self::ICANON) is also set, the `KILL` character
/// erases the current line.
pub const ECHOK: c_uint = 0_000_040;
/// If [`ICANON`](Self::ICANON) is also set, echo the `NL` character
/// even if [`ECHO`](Self::ECHO) is not set.
pub const ECHONL: c_uint = 0_000_100;
/// Disable flushing the input and output queues when
/// generating signals for the `INT`, `QUIT`, and `SUSP` characters.
pub const NOFLSH: c_uint = 0_000_200;
/// Send the `SIGTTOU` signal to the process group of a background process
/// which tries to write to its controlling terminal.
pub const TOSTOP: c_uint = 0_000_400;
/// If [`ECHO`](Self::ECHO) is also set, terminal special characters
/// other than `TAB`, `NL`, `START`, and `STOP` are echoed as `^X`,
/// where `X` is the character with ASCII code `0x40` greater than
/// the special character.
/// (not in POSIX)
/// For example, character `0x08` (BS) is echoed as `^H`.
/// [requires `_BSD_SOURCE` or `_SVID_SOURCE`]
pub const ECHOCTL: c_uint = 0_001_000;
/// If [`ICANON`](Self::ICANON) and [`ECHO`](Self::ECHO) are also set,
/// characters are printed as they are being erased.
/// (not in POSIX)
/// [requires `_BSD_SOURCE` or `_SVID_SOURCE`]
pub const ECHOPRT: c_uint = 0_002_000;
/// If [`ICANON`](Self::ICANON) is also set, `KILL` is echoed by erasing
/// each character on the line, as specified by [`ECHOE`](Self::ECHOE)
/// and [`ECHOPRT`](Self::ECHOPRT).
/// (not in POSIX)
/// [requires `_BSD_SOURCE` or `_SVID_SOURCE`]
pub const ECHOKE: c_uint = 0_004_000;
// /// Echo only when a process is reading.
// ///
// /// (not in POSIX) (Not implemented on Linux)
// pub const DEFECHO: c_uint = ?;
/// Output is being flushed.
/// This flag is toggled by typing the `DISCARD` character.
/// (not in POSIX; not supported under Linux)
/// [requires `_BSD_SOURCE` or `_SVID_SOURCE`]
pub const FLUSHO: c_uint = 0_010_000;
/// All characters in the input queue are reprinted
/// when the next character is read.
/// (not in POSIX; not supported under Linux)
/// (bash(1) handles typeahead this way.)
/// [requires `_BSD_SOURCE` or `_SVID_SOURCE`]
pub const PENDING: c_uint = 0_040_000;
/// Enable implementation-defined input processing.
/// This flag, as well as [`ICANON`](Self::ICANON) must be enabled for
/// the special characters `EOL2`, `LNEXT`, `REPRINT`, `WERASE` to be
/// interpreted, and for the [`IUCLC`](LINUX_TERMIOS_IFLAG::IUCLC) flag
/// to be effective.
pub const IEXTEN: c_uint = 0_100_000;
/// enable "LINEMODE"; useful with high latency links
pub const EXTPROC: c_uint = 0_200_000;