// devela::sys::mem::storage::boxed
//! *Boxed* storage
use crate::{Bare, BareBox};
use crate::{Box, ConstDefault, Storage};
#[cfg(feature = "dep_rkyv")]
use rkyv::{Archive, Deserialize, Serialize};
/// A zero-sized marker for a [`Storage`] type that wraps its data in a [`Box`].
/// Equivalent to the [`Bare`] marker struct which uses a [`BareBox`] for the underlying storage.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dep_rkyv", derive(Archive, Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Boxed;
/// This implementation is equivalent to the one for [`Bare`] which uses [`BareBox`] for storage.
impl Storage for Boxed {
type Stored<T> = Box<T>;
fn name() -> &'static str {
impl ConstDefault for Boxed {
const DEFAULT: Self = Boxed;