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// devela::code::util::ident
//! identifier related macro functionality
/// Defines a constant for every given identifier with a value of its index in the list.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use devela::ident_const_index;
/// ident_const_index![pub, 3; first, second, third]; // with commas
/// assert![0 == first && 1 == second && 2 == third];
/// ident_const_index![pub(crate), 2; fourth fifth]; // without commas
/// assert![0 == fourth && 1 == fifth];
/// ```
// USEDBY: enumset macro
#[cfg_attr(cargo_primary_package, doc(hidden))]
macro_rules! ident_const_index {
( // without commas:
// $vis: the visibility of the constants (pub, pub(super), …).
// $total: the total number of identifiers.
// $ident, $($rest),*: the list of identifiers.
$vis:vis, $total:expr; $ident:ident $($rest:ident)*
) => { $crate::paste! {
$vis const $ident: usize = $total - $crate::ident_total!($($rest)*) - 1;
$( $crate::ident_const_index!($vis, $total; $rest); )*
( // with commas:
// $vis: the visibility of the constants (pub, pub(super), …).
// $total: the total number of identifiers.
// $ident, $($rest),*: the list of identifiers.
$vis:vis, $total:expr; $ident:ident $(, $($rest:ident),* $(,)? )?
) => { $crate::paste! {
$vis const $ident: usize = $total - $crate::ident_total!( $($($rest)*)? ) - 1;
$( $crate::ident_const_index!($vis, $total; $($rest),*); )?
pub use ident_const_index;