#[cfg(feature = "dep_safe_arch")]
use crate::_dep::safe_arch::*;
pub struct Arch;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions not requiring any target feature.\n\n---"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64";
arch_fn! {
"Swap the bytes of the given 32-bit value.",
byte_swap_i32(i: i32) -> i32;
"Swap the bytes of the given 64-bit value.",
byte_swap_i64(i: i64) -> i64;
"Reads the CPU’s timestamp counter value.",
read_timestamp_counter() -> u64;
"Reads the CPU’s timestamp counter value and store the processor signature.",
read_timestamp_counter_p(aux: &mut u32) -> u64;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `adx` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_ADX>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "adx";
arch_fn! {
"Add two `u32` with a carry value.",
add_carry_u32(c_in: u8, a: u32, b: u32, out: &mut u32) -> u8;
"Add two `u64` with a carry value.",
add_carry_u64(c_in: u8, a: u64, b: u64, out: &mut u64) -> u8;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `aes` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AES_instruction_set>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "aes";
arch_fn! {
"Perform the last round of an AES decryption flow on `a` using the `round_key`.",
aes_decrypt_last_m128i(a: m128i, round_key: m128i) -> m128i;
"Perform one round of an AES decryption flow on `a` using the `round_key`.",
aes_decrypt_m128i(a: m128i, round_key: m128i) -> m128i;
"Perform the last round of an AES encryption flow on `a` using the `round_key`.",
aes_encrypt_last_m128i(a: m128i, round_key: m128i) -> m128i;
"Perform one round of an AES encryption flow on `a` using the `round_key`.",
aes_encrypt_m128i(a: m128i, round_key: m128i) -> m128i;
"Perform the InvMixColumns transform on `a`.",
aes_inv_mix_columns_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Assist in expanding an AES cipher key.",
aes_key_gen_assist_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i) -> m128i;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `avx` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Vector_Extensions>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "avx";
arch_fn! {
"Add adjacent `f32` lanes.",
add_horizontal_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Add adjacent `f64` lanes.",
add_horizontal_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Lanewise `a + b` with `f32` lanes.",
add_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Lanewise `a + b` with `f64` lanes.",
add_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Alternately, from the top, add `f32` then sub `f32`.",
addsub_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Alternately, from the top, add `f64` then sub `f64`.",
addsub_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Bitwise `a & b`.",
bitand_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Bitwise `a & b`.",
bitand_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Bitwise `(!a) & b`.",
bitandnot_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Bitwise `(!a) & b`.",
bitandnot_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Bitwise `a | b`.",
bitor_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Bitwise `a | b`.",
bitor_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Bitwise `a ^ b`.",
bitxor_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Bitwise `a ^ b`.",
bitxor_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Blends the `f32` lanes according to the immediate mask.",
blend_m256<const IMM: i32>(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Blends the `f64` lanes according to the immediate mask.",
blend_m256d<const IMM: i32>(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Blend the lanes according to a runtime varying mask.",
blend_varying_m256(a: m256, b: m256, mask: m256) -> m256;
"Blend the lanes according to a runtime varying mask.",
blend_varying_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d, mask: m256d) -> m256d;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m128` from `m256`.",
cast_to_m128_from_m256(a: m256) -> m128;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m128d` from `m256d`.",
cast_to_m128d_from_m256d(a: m256d) -> m128d;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m128i` from `m256i`.",
cast_to_m128i_from_m256i(a: m256i) -> m128i;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m256` from `m256d`.",
cast_to_m256_from_m256d(a: m256d) -> m256;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m256` from `m256i`.",
cast_to_m256_from_m256i(a: m256i) -> m256;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m256i` from `m256`.",
cast_to_m256d_from_m256(a: m256) -> m256d;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m256d` from `m256i`.",
cast_to_m256d_from_m256i(a: m256i) -> m256d;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m256i` from `m256`.",
cast_to_m256i_from_m256(a: m256) -> m256i;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m256i` from `m256d`.",
cast_to_m256i_from_m256d(a: m256d) -> m256i;
"Round `f32` lanes towards positive infinity.",
ceil_m256(a: m256) -> m256;
"Round `f64` lanes towards positive infinity.",
ceil_m256d(a: m256d) -> m256d;
"Compare `f32` lanes according to the operation specified, mask output.",
cmp_op_mask_m128<const OP: i32>(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Compare `f32` lanes according to the operation specified, mask output.",
cmp_op_mask_m128_s<const OP: i32>(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Compare `f64` lanes according to the operation specified, mask output.",
cmp_op_mask_m128d<const OP: i32>(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Compare `f64` lanes according to the operation specified, mask output.",
cmp_op_mask_m128d_s<const OP: i32>(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Compare `f32` lanes according to the operation specified, mask output.",
cmp_op_mask_m256<const OP: i32>(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Compare `f64` lanes according to the operation specified, mask output.",
cmp_op_mask_m256d<const OP: i32>(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Convert the lowest `f32` lane to a single `f32`.",
convert_to_f32_from_m256_s(a: m256) -> f32;
"Convert the lowest `f64` lane to a single `f64`.",
convert_to_f64_from_m256d_s(a: m256d) -> f64;
"Convert the lowest `i32` lane to a single `i32`.",
convert_to_i32_from_m256i_s(a: m256i) -> i32;
"Convert `f64` lanes to be `i32` lanes.",
convert_to_i32_m128i_from_m256d(a: m256d) -> m128i;
"Convert `f32` lanes to be `i32` lanes.",
convert_to_i32_m256i_from_m256(a: m256) -> m256i;
"Convert `f64` lanes to be `f32` lanes.",
convert_to_m128_from_m256d(a: m256d) -> m128;
"Convert `i32` lanes to be `f32` lanes.",
convert_to_m256_from_i32_m256i(a: m256i) -> m256;
"Convert `i32` lanes to be `f64` lanes.",
convert_to_m256d_from_i32_m128i(a: m128i) -> m256d;
"Convert `f32` lanes to be `f64` lanes.",
convert_to_m256d_from_m128(a: m128) -> m256d;
"Convert `f64` lanes to `i32` lanes with truncation.",
convert_truncate_to_i32_m128i_from_m256d(a: m256d) -> m128i;
"Convert `f32` lanes to `i32` lanes with truncation.",
convert_truncate_to_i32_m256i_from_m256(a: m256) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `a / b` with `f32`.",
div_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Lanewise `a / b` with `f64`.",
div_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"This works like `dot_product_m128`, but twice as wide.",
dot_product_m256<const IMM: i32>(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Duplicate the even-indexed lanes to the odd lanes.",
duplicate_even_lanes_m256(a: m256) -> m256;
"Duplicate the odd-indexed lanes to the even lanes.",
duplicate_odd_lanes_m256(a: m256) -> m256;
"Duplicate the odd-indexed lanes to the even lanes.",
duplicate_odd_lanes_m256d(a: m256d) -> m256d;
"Extracts an `i32` lane from `m256i`",
extract_i32_from_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> i32;
"Extracts an `i64` lane from `m256i`",
extract_i64_from_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> i64;
"Extracts an `m128` from `m256`",
extract_m128_from_m256<const IMM: i32>(a: m256) -> m128;
"Extracts an `m128d` from `m256d`",
extract_m128d_from_m256d<const IMM: i32>(a: m256d) -> m128d;
"Extracts an `m128i` from `m256i`",
extract_m128i_from_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m128i;
"Round `f32` lanes towards negative infinity.",
floor_m256(a: m256) -> m256;
"Round `f64` lanes towards negative infinity.",
floor_m256d(a: m256d) -> m256d;
"Inserts an `i16` to `m256i`",
insert_i16_to_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i, i: i16) -> m256i;
"Inserts an `i32` to `m256i`",
insert_i32_to_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i, i: i32) -> m256i;
"Inserts an `i64` to `m256i`",
insert_i64_to_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i, i: i64) -> m256i;
"Inserts an `i8` to `m256i`",
insert_i8_to_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i, i: i8) -> m256i;
"Inserts an `m128` to `m256`",
insert_m128_to_m256<const IMM: i32>(a: m256, b: m128) -> m256;
"Inserts an `m128d` to `m256d`",
insert_m128d_to_m256d<const IMM: i32>(a: m256d, b: m128d) -> m256d;
"Slowly inserts an `m128i` to `m256i`.",
insert_m128i_to_m256i_slow_avx<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i, b: m128i) -> m256i;
"Load an `f32` and splat it to all lanes of an `m256d`",
load_f32_splat_m256(a: &f32) -> m256;
"Load an `f64` and splat it to all lanes of an `m256d`",
load_f64_splat_m256d(a: &f64) -> m256d;
"Load an `m128` and splat it to the lower and upper half of an `m256`",
load_m128_splat_m256(a: &m128) -> m256;
"Load an `m128d` and splat it to the lower and upper half of an `m256d`",
load_m128d_splat_m256d(a: &m128d) -> m256d;
"Load data from memory into a register.",
load_m256(a: &m256) -> m256;
"Load data from memory into a register.",
load_m256d(a: &m256d) -> m256d;
"Load data from memory into a register.",
load_m256i(a: &m256i) -> m256i;
"Load data from memory into a register according to a mask.",
load_masked_m128(a: &m128, mask: m128i) -> m128;
"Load data from memory into a register according to a mask.",
load_masked_m128d(a: &m128d, mask: m128i) -> m128d;
"Load data from memory into a register according to a mask.",
load_masked_m256(a: &m256, mask: m256i) -> m256;
"Load data from memory into a register according to a mask.",
load_masked_m256d(a: &m256d, mask: m256i) -> m256d;
"Load data from memory into a register.",
load_unaligned_hi_lo_m256(a: &[f32; 4], b: &[f32; 4]) -> m256;
"Load data from memory into a register.",
load_unaligned_hi_lo_m256d(a: &[f64; 2], b: &[f64; 2]) -> m256d;
"Load data from memory into a register.",
load_unaligned_hi_lo_m256i(a: &[i8; 16], b: &[i8; 16]) -> m256i;
"Load data from memory into a register.",
load_unaligned_m256(a: &[f32; 8]) -> m256;
"Load data from memory into a register.",
load_unaligned_m256d(a: &[f64; 4]) -> m256d;
"Load data from memory into a register.",
load_unaligned_m256i(a: &[i8; 32]) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)`.",
max_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)`.",
max_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)`.",
min_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)`.",
min_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Collects the sign bit of each lane into a 4-bit value.",
move_mask_m256(a: m256) -> i32;
"Collects the sign bit of each lane into a 4-bit value.",
move_mask_m256d(a: m256d) -> i32;
"Lanewise `a * b` with `f32` lanes.",
mul_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Lanewise `a * b` with `f64` lanes.",
mul_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Shuffle 128 bits of floating point data at a time from `$a` and `$b` using
an immediate control value.",
permute2z_m256<const MASK: i32>(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Shuffle 128 bits of floating point data at a time from `a` and `b` using an
immediate control value.",
permute2z_m256d<const MASK: i32>(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"<em>Slowly</em> swizzle 128 bits of integer data from `a` and `b` using an
immediate control value.",
permute2z_m256i<const MASK: i32>(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shuffle the `f32` lanes from `a` using an immediate control value.",
permute_m128<const MASK: i32>(a: m128) -> m128;
"Shuffle the `f64` lanes in `a` using an immediate control value.",
permute_m128d<const MASK: i32>(a: m128d) -> m128d;
"Shuffle the `f32` lanes in `a` using an immediate control value.",
permute_m256<const MASK: i32>(a: m256) -> m256;
"Shuffle the `f64` lanes from `a` together using an immediate control value.",
permute_m256d<const MASK: i32>(a: m256d) -> m256d;
"Reciprocal of `f32` lanes.",
reciprocal_m256(a: m256) -> m256;
"Reciprocal of `f32` lanes.",
reciprocal_sqrt_m256(a: m256) -> m256;
"Rounds each lane in the style specified.",
round_m256<const OP: i32>(a: m256) -> m256;
"Rounds each lane in the style specified.",
round_m256d<const OP: i32>(a: m256d) -> m256d;
"Set `i16` args into an `m256i` lane.",
set_i16_m256i(e15: i16, e14: i16, e13: i16, e12: i16, e11: i16, e10: i16, e9: i16, e8: i16,
e7: i16, e6: i16, e5: i16, e4: i16, e3: i16, e2: i16, e1: i16, e0: i16) -> m256i;
"Set `i32` args into an `m256i` lane.",
set_i32_m256i(e7: i32, e6: i32, e5: i32, e4: i32, e3: i32, e2: i32, e1: i32,
e0: i32) -> m256i;
"Set `i64` args into an `m256i` lane.",
set_i64_m256i(e3: i64, e2: i64, e1: i64, e0: i64) -> m256i;
"Set `i8` args into an `m256i` lane.",
set_i8_m256i(e31: i8, e30: i8, e29: i8, e28: i8, e27: i8, e26: i8, e25: i8, e24: i8,
e23: i8, e22: i8, e21: i8, e20: i8, e19: i8, e18: i8, e17: i8, e16: i8, e15: i8,
e14: i8, e13: i8, e12: i8, e11: i8, e10: i8, e9: i8, e8: i8, e7: i8, e6: i8,
e5: i8, e4: i8, e3: i8, e2: i8, e1: i8, e0: i8) -> m256i;
"Set `m128` args into an `m256`.",
set_m128_m256(high: m128, low: m128) -> m256;
"Set `m128d` args into an `m256d`.",
set_m128d_m256d(high: m128d, low: m128d) -> m256d;
"Set `m128i` args into an `m256i`.",
set_m128i_m256i(hi: m128i, lo: m128i) -> m256i;
"Set `f32` args into an `m256` lane.",
set_m256(e7: f32, e6: f32, e5: f32, e4: f32, e3: f32, e2: f32, e1: f32, e0: f32) -> m256;
"Set `f64` args into an `m256d` lane.",
set_m256d(e3: f64, e2: f64, e1: f64, e0: f64) -> m256d;
"Set `i16` args into an `m256i` lane.",
set_reversed_i16_m256i(e15: i16, e14: i16, e13: i16, e12: i16, e11: i16, e10: i16,
e9: i16, e8: i16, e7: i16, e6: i16, e5: i16, e4: i16, e3: i16, e2: i16, e1: i16,
e0: i16) -> m256i;
"Set `i32` args into an `m256i` lane.",
set_reversed_i32_m256i(e7: i32, e6: i32, e5: i32, e4: i32, e3: i32, e2: i32, e1: i32,
e0: i32) -> m256i;
"Set `i64` args into an `m256i` lane.",
set_reversed_i64_m256i(e3: i64, e2: i64, e1: i64, e0: i64) -> m256i;
"Set `i8` args into an `m256i` lane.",
set_reversed_i8_m256i(e31: i8, e30: i8, e29: i8, e28: i8, e27: i8, e26: i8, e25: i8,
e24: i8, e23: i8, e22: i8, e21: i8, e20: i8, e19: i8, e18: i8, e17: i8, e16: i8,
e15: i8, e14: i8, e13: i8, e12: i8, e11: i8, e10: i8, e9: i8, e8: i8, e7: i8,
e6: i8, e5: i8, e4: i8, e3: i8, e2: i8, e1: i8, e0: i8) -> m256i;
"Set `m128` args into an `m256`.",
set_reversed_m128_m256(hi: m128, lo: m128) -> m256;
"Set `m128d` args into an `m256d`.",
set_reversed_m128d_m256d(hi: m128d, lo: m128d) -> m256d;
"Set `m128i` args into an `m256i`.",
set_reversed_m128i_m256i(hi: m128i, lo: m128i) -> m256i;
"Set `f32` args into an `m256` lane.",
set_reversed_m256(e7: f32, e6: f32, e5: f32, e4: f32, e3: f32, e2: f32, e1: f32,
e0: f32) -> m256;
"Set `f64` args into an `m256d` lane.",
set_reversed_m256d(e3: f64, e2: f64, e1: f64, e0: f64) -> m256d;
"Splat an `i16` arg into an `m256i` lane.",
set_splat_i16_m256i(i: i16) -> m256i;
"Splat an `i32` arg into an `m256i` lane.",
set_splat_i32_m256i(i: i32) -> m256i;
"Splat an `i64` arg into an `m256i` lane.",
set_splat_i64_m256i(i: i64) -> m256i;
"Splat an `i8` arg into an `m256i` lane.",
set_splat_i8_m256i(i: i8) -> m256i;
"Splat an `f32` arg into an `m256` lane.",
set_splat_m256(f: f32) -> m256;
"Splat an `f64` arg into an `m256d` lane.",
set_splat_m256d(f: f64) -> m256d;
"Shuffle `f32` values in `a` using `i32` values in `v`.",
shuffle_av_f32_all_m128(a: m128, v: m128i) -> m128;
"Shuffle `f32` values in `a` using `i32` values in `v`.",
shuffle_av_f32_half_m256(a: m256, v: m256i) -> m256;
"Shuffle `f64` lanes in `a` using <strong>bit 1</strong> of the `i64` lanes in `v`",
shuffle_av_f64_all_m128d(a: m128d, v: m128i) -> m128d;
"Shuffle `f64` lanes in `a` using <strong>bit 1</strong> of the `i64` lanes in `v`.",
shuffle_av_f64_half_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256i) -> m256d;
"Shuffle the `f32` lanes from `a` and `b` together using an immediate control value.",
shuffle_m256<const IMM: i32>(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Shuffle the `f64` lanes from `a` and `b` together using an immediate control value.",
shuffle_m256d<const IMM: i32>(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Lanewise `sqrt` on `f64` lanes.",
sqrt_m256(a: m256) -> m256;
"Lanewise `sqrt` on `f64` lanes.",
sqrt_m256d(a: m256d) -> m256d;
"Store data from a register into memory.",
store_m256(addr: &mut m256, a: m256);
"Store data from a register into memory.",
store_m256d(addr: &mut m256d, a: m256d);
"Store data from a register into memory.",
store_m256i(addr: &mut m256i, a: m256i);
"Store data from a register into memory according to a mask.",
store_masked_m128(addr: &mut m128, mask: m128i, a: m128);
"Store data from a register into memory according to a mask.",
store_masked_m128d(addr: &mut m128d, mask: m128i, a: m128d);
"Store data from a register into memory according to a mask.",
store_masked_m256(addr: &mut m256, mask: m256i, a: m256);
"Store data from a register into memory according to a mask.",
store_masked_m256d(addr: &mut m256d, mask: m256i, a: m256d);
"Store data from a register into memory.",
store_unaligned_hi_lo_m256(hi_addr: &mut [f32; 4], lo_addr: &mut [f32; 4], a: m256);
"Store data from a register into memory.",
store_unaligned_hi_lo_m256d(hi_addr: &mut [f64; 2], lo_addr: &mut [f64; 2], a: m256d);
"Store data from a register into memory.",
store_unaligned_hi_lo_m256i(hi_addr: &mut [i8; 16], lo_addr: &mut [i8; 16], a: m256i);
"Store data from a register into memory.",
store_unaligned_m256(addr: &mut [f32; 8], a: m256);
"Store data from a register into memory.",
store_unaligned_m256d(addr: &mut [f64; 4], a: m256d);
"Store data from a register into memory.",
store_unaligned_m256i(addr: &mut [i8; 32], a: m256i);
"Subtract adjacent `f32` lanes.",
sub_horizontal_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Subtract adjacent `f64` lanes.",
sub_horizontal_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Lanewise `a - b` with `f32` lanes.",
sub_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Lanewise `a - b` with `f64` lanes.",
sub_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Compute the bitwise of sign bit NOT of `a` and then AND with `b`,
returns 1 if the result is zero, otherwise 0.",
testc_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> i32;
"Compute the bitwise of sign bit NOT of `a` and then AND with `b`,
returns 1 if the result is zero, otherwise 0.",
testc_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> i32;
"Compute the bitwise of sign bit NOT of `a` and then AND with `b`,
returns 1 if the result is zero, otherwise 0.",
testc_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> i32;
"Compute the bitwise of sign bit NOT of `a` and then AND with `b`,
returns 1 if the result is zero, otherwise 0.",
testc_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> i32;
"Compute the bitwise NOT of `a` and then AND with `b`,
returns 1 if the result is zero, otherwise 0.",
testc_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> i32;
"Computes the bitwise AND of 256 bits in `a` and
`b`, returns 1 if the result is zero, otherwise 0.",
testz_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> i32;
"Computes the bitwise of sign bitAND of 256 bits in `a` and
`b`, returns 1 if the result is zero, otherwise 0.",
testz_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> i32;
"Computes the bitwise AND of 256 bits in `a` and
`b`, returns 1 if the result is zero, otherwise 0.",
testz_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> i32;
"Computes the bitwise of sign bit AND of 256 bits in `a` and
`b`, returns 1 if the result is zero, otherwise 0.",
testz_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> i32;
"Computes the bitwise of sign bit AND of 256 bits in `a` and
`b`, returns 1 if the result is zero, otherwise 0.",
testz_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> i32;
"Unpack and interleave the high lanes.",
unpack_hi_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Unpack and interleave the high lanes.",
unpack_hi_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Unpack and interleave the high lanes.",
unpack_lo_m256(a: m256, b: m256) -> m256;
"Unpack and interleave the high lanes.",
unpack_lo_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d) -> m256d;
"Zero extend an `m128` to `m256`",
zero_extend_m128(a: m128) -> m256;
"Zero extend an `m128d` to `m256d`",
zero_extend_m128d(a: m128d) -> m256d;
"Zero extend an `m128i` to `m256i`",
zero_extend_m128i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"A zeroed `m256`",
zeroed_m256() -> m256;
"A zeroed `m256d`",
zeroed_m256d() -> m256d;
"A zeroed `m256i`",
zeroed_m256i() -> m256i;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `avx2` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Vector_Extensions>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "avx2";
arch_fn! {
"Absolute value of `i16` lanes.",
abs_i16_m256i(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Absolute value of `i32` lanes.",
abs_i32_m256i(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Absolute value of `i8` lanes.",
abs_i8_m256i(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Horizontal `a + b` with lanes as `i16`.",
add_horizontal_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Horizontal `a + b` with lanes as `i32`.",
add_horizontal_i32_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Horizontal saturating `a + b` with lanes as `i16`.",
add_horizontal_saturating_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `a + b` with lanes as `i16`.",
add_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `a + b` with lanes as `i32`.",
add_i32_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `a + b` with lanes as `i64`.",
add_i64_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `a + b` with lanes as `i8`.",
add_i8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise saturating `a + b` with lanes as `i16`.",
add_saturating_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise saturating `a + b` with lanes as `i8`.",
add_saturating_i8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise saturating `a + b` with lanes as `u16`.",
add_saturating_u16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise saturating `a + b` with lanes as `u8`.",
add_saturating_u8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Average `u16` lanes.",
average_u16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Average `u8` lanes.",
average_u8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Bitwise `a & b`.",
bitand_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Bitwise `(!a) & b`.",
bitandnot_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Bitwise `a | b`",
bitor_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Bitwise `a ^ b`.",
bitxor_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Blends the `i16` lanes according to the immediate value.",
blend_imm_i16_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Blends the `i32` lanes in `a` and `b` into a single value.",
blend_imm_i32_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Blends the `i32` lanes according to the immediate value.",
blend_imm_i32_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Blend `i8` lanes according to a runtime varying mask.",
blend_varying_i8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i, mask: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shifts each `u128` lane left by a number of <strong>bytes</strong>.",
byte_shl_imm_u128_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shifts each `u128` lane right by a number of <strong>bytes</strong>.",
byte_shr_imm_u128_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Compare `i16` lanes for equality, mask output.",
cmp_eq_mask_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Compare `i32` lanes for equality, mask output.",
cmp_eq_mask_i32_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Compare `i64` lanes for equality, mask output.",
cmp_eq_mask_i64_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Compare `i8` lanes for equality, mask output.",
cmp_eq_mask_i8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Compare `i16` lanes for `a > b`, mask output.",
cmp_gt_mask_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Compare `i32` lanes for `a > b`, mask output.",
cmp_gt_mask_i32_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Compare `i64` lanes for `a > b`, mask output.",
cmp_gt_mask_i64_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Compare `i8` lanes for `a > b`, mask output.",
cmp_gt_mask_i8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Works like `combined_byte_shr_imm_m128i`, but twice as wide.",
combined_byte_shr_imm_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Convert `i8` values to `i16` values.",
convert_to_i16_m256i_from_i8_m128i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Convert lower 4 `u8` values to `i16` values.",
convert_to_i16_m256i_from_lower4_u8_m128i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Convert lower 8 `u8` values to `i16` values.",
convert_to_i16_m256i_from_lower8_u8_m128i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Convert `u8` values to `i16` values.",
convert_to_i16_m256i_from_u8_m128i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Convert `i16` values to `i32` values.",
convert_to_i32_m256i_from_i16_m128i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Convert the lower 8 `i8` values to `i32` values.",
convert_to_i32_m256i_from_lower8_i8_m128i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Convert `u16` values to `i32` values.",
convert_to_i32_m256i_from_u16_m128i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Convert `i32` values to `i64` values.",
convert_to_i64_m256i_from_i32_m128i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Convert `i16` values to `i64` values.",
convert_to_i64_m256i_from_lower4_i16_m128i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Convert the lower 4 `i8` values to `i64` values.",
convert_to_i64_m256i_from_lower4_i8_m128i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Convert `u16` values to `i64` values.",
convert_to_i64_m256i_from_lower4_u16_m128i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Convert `u32` values to `i64` values.",
convert_to_i64_m256i_from_u32_m128i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Gets an `i16` value out of an `m256i`, returns as `i32`.",
extract_i16_as_i32_m256i<const LANE: i32>(a: m256i) -> i32;
"Gets an `i8` value out of an `m256i`, returns as `i32`.",
extract_i8_as_i32_m256i<const LANE: i32>(a: m256i) -> i32;
"Gets an `m128i` value out of an `m256i`.",
extract_m128i_m256i<const LANE: i32>(a: m256i) -> m128i;
"Inserts an `m128i` to an `m256i` at the high or low position.",
insert_m128i_to_m256i<const LANE: i32>(a: m256i, b: m128i) -> m256i;
"Loads the reference given and zeroes any `i32` lanes not in the mask.",
load_masked_i32_m128i(a: &m128i, mask: m128i) -> m128i;
"Loads the reference given and zeroes any `i32` lanes not in the mask.",
load_masked_i32_m256i(a: &m256i, mask: m256i) -> m256i;
"Loads the reference given and zeroes any `i64` lanes not in the mask.",
load_masked_i64_m128i(a: &m128i, mask: m128i) -> m128i;
"Loads the reference given and zeroes any `i64` lanes not in the mask.",
load_masked_i64_m256i(a: &m256i, mask: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)` with lanes as `i16`.",
max_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)` with lanes as `i32`.",
max_i32_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)` with lanes as `i8`.",
max_i8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)` with lanes as `u16`.",
max_u16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)` with lanes as `u32`.",
max_u32_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)` with lanes as `u8`.",
max_u8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)` with lanes as `i16`.",
min_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)` with lanes as `i32`.",
min_i32_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)` with lanes as `i8`.",
min_i8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)` with lanes as `u16`.",
min_u16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)` with lanes as `u32`.",
min_u32_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)` with lanes as `u8`.",
min_u8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Create an `i32` mask of each sign bit in the `i8` lanes.",
move_mask_i8_m256i(a: m256i) -> i32;
"Multiply `i16` lanes producing `i32` values, horizontal add pairs of `i32`
values to produce the final output.",
mul_i16_horizontal_add_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Multiply the `i16` lanes and keep the high half of each 32-bit output.",
mul_i16_keep_high_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Multiply the `i16` lanes and keep the low half of each 32-bit output.",
mul_i16_keep_low_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Multiply `i16` lanes into `i32` intermediates, keep the high 18 bits, round
by adding 1, right shift by 1.",
mul_i16_scale_round_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Multiply the `i32` lanes and keep the low half of each 64-bit output.",
mul_i32_keep_low_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Multiply the lower `i32` within each `i64` lane, `i64` output.",
mul_i64_low_bits_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Multiply the `u16` lanes and keep the high half of each 32-bit output.",
mul_u16_keep_high_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Multiply the lower `u32` within each `u64` lane, `u64` output.",
mul_u64_low_bits_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"This is dumb and weird.",
mul_u8i8_add_horizontal_saturating_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Computes eight `u16` “sum of absolute difference” values according to the
bytes selected.",
multi_packed_sum_abs_diff_u8_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Saturating convert `i16` to `i8`, and pack the values.",
pack_i16_to_i8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Saturating convert `i16` to `u8`, and pack the values.",
pack_i16_to_u8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Saturating convert `i32` to `i16`, and pack the values.",
pack_i32_to_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Saturating convert `i32` to `u16`, and pack the values.",
pack_i32_to_u16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Sets the lowest `i16` lane of an `m128i` as all lanes of an `m256i`.",
set_splat_i16_m128i_s_m256i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Sets the lowest `i32` lane of an `m128i` as all lanes of an `m256i`.",
set_splat_i32_m128i_s_m256i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Sets the lowest `i64` lane of an `m128i` as all lanes of an `m256i`.",
set_splat_i64_m128i_s_m256i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Sets the lowest `i8` lane of an `m128i` as all lanes of an `m256i`.",
set_splat_i8_m128i_s_m256i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Sets the lowest lane of an `m128` as all lanes of an `m256`.",
set_splat_m128_s_m256(a: m128) -> m256;
"Sets the lowest lane of an `m128d` as all lanes of an `m256d`.",
set_splat_m128d_s_m256d(a: m128d) -> m256d;
"Lanewise `u16` shift left by the lower `u64` lane of `count`.",
shl_all_u16_m256i(a: m256i, count: m128i) -> m256i;
"Shift all `u32` lanes left by the lower `u64` lane of `count`.",
shl_all_u32_m256i(a: m256i, count: m128i) -> m256i;
"Shift all `u64` lanes left by the lower `u64` lane of `count`.",
shl_all_u64_m256i(a: m256i, count: m128i) -> m256i;
"Shift `u32` values to the left by `count` bits.",
shl_each_u32_m128i(a: m128i, count: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `u32` shift left by the matching `i32` lane in `count`.",
shl_each_u32_m256i(a: m256i, count: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shift `u64` values to the left by `count` bits.",
shl_each_u64_m128i(a: m128i, count: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `u64` shift left by the matching `u64` lane in `count`.",
shl_each_u64_m256i(a: m256i, count: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shifts all `u16` lanes left by an immediate.",
shl_imm_u16_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shifts all `u32` lanes left by an immediate.",
shl_imm_u32_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shifts all `u64` lanes left by an immediate.",
shl_imm_u64_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `i16` shift right by the lower `i64` lane of `count`.",
shr_all_i16_m256i(a: m256i, count: m128i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `i32` shift right by the lower `i64` lane of `count`.",
shr_all_i32_m256i(a: m256i, count: m128i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `u16` shift right by the lower `u64` lane of `count`.",
shr_all_u16_m256i(a: m256i, count: m128i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `u32` shift right by the lower `u64` lane of `count`.",
shr_all_u32_m256i(a: m256i, count: m128i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `u64` shift right by the lower `u64` lane of `count`.",
shr_all_u64_m256i(a: m256i, count: m128i) -> m256i;
"Shift `i32` values to the right by `count` bits.",
shr_each_i32_m128i(a: m128i, count: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `i32` shift right by the matching `i32` lane in `count`.",
shr_each_i32_m256i(a: m256i, count: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shift `u32` values to the left by `count` bits.",
shr_each_u32_m128i(a: m128i, count: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `u32` shift right by the matching `u32` lane in `count`.",
shr_each_u32_m256i(a: m256i, count: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shift `u64` values to the left by `count` bits.",
shr_each_u64_m128i(a: m128i, count: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `u64` shift right by the matching `i64` lane in `count`.",
shr_each_u64_m256i(a: m256i, count: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shifts all `i16` lanes left by an immediate.",
shr_imm_i16_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shifts all `i32` lanes left by an immediate.",
shr_imm_i32_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shifts all `u16` lanes right by an immediate.",
shr_imm_u16_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shifts all `u32` lanes right by an immediate.",
shr_imm_u32_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shifts all `u64` lanes right by an immediate.",
shr_imm_u64_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shuffle 128 bits of integer data from `$a` and `$b` using an immediate control value.",
shuffle_abi_i128z_all_m256i<const MASK: i32>(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shuffle the `f64` lanes from `$a` using an immediate control value.",
shuffle_ai_f64_all_m256d<const IMM: i32>(a: m256d) -> m256d;
"Shuffle the high `i16` lanes in `$a` using an immediate control value.",
shuffle_ai_i16_h64half_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shuffle the low `i16` lanes in `$a` using an immediate control value.",
shuffle_ai_i16_l64half_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shuffle the `i32` lanes in `a` using an immediate control value.",
shuffle_ai_i32_half_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shuffle the `f64` lanes in `$a` using an immediate control value.",
shuffle_ai_i64_all_m256i<const IMM: i32>(a: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shuffle `f32` lanes in `a` using `i32` values in `v`.",
shuffle_av_i32_all_m256(a: m256, v: m256i) -> m256;
"Shuffle `i32` lanes in `a` using `i32` values in `v`.",
shuffle_av_i32_all_m256i(a: m256i, v: m256i) -> m256i;
"Shuffle `i8` lanes in `a` using `i8` values in `v`.",
shuffle_av_i8z_half_m256i(a: m256i, v: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `a * signum(b)` with lanes as `i16`",
sign_apply_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `a * signum(b)` with lanes as `i32`",
sign_apply_i32_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `a * signum(b)` with lanes as `i8`",
sign_apply_i8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Splat the lowest 16-bit lane across the entire 128 bits.",
splat_i16_m128i_s_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Splat the lowest 32-bit lane across the entire 128 bits.",
splat_i32_m128i_s_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Splat the lowest 64-bit lane across the entire 128 bits.",
splat_i64_m128i_s_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Splat the lowest 8-bit lane across the entire 128 bits.",
splat_i8_m128i_s_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Splat the lowest `f32` across all four lanes.",
splat_m128_s_m128(a: m128) -> m128;
"Splat the lower `f64` across both lanes of `m128d`.",
splat_m128d_s_m128d(a: m128d) -> m128d;
"Splat the 128-bits across 256-bits.",
splat_m128i_m256i(a: m128i) -> m256i;
"Stores the `i32` masked lanes given to the reference.",
store_masked_i32_m128i(addr: &mut m128i, mask: m128i, a: m128i);
"Stores the `i32` masked lanes given to the reference.",
store_masked_i32_m256i(addr: &mut m256i, mask: m256i, a: m256i);
"Stores the `i32` masked lanes given to the reference.",
store_masked_i64_m128i(addr: &mut m128i, mask: m128i, a: m128i);
"Stores the `i32` masked lanes given to the reference.",
store_masked_i64_m256i(addr: &mut m256i, mask: m256i, a: m256i);
"Horizontal `a - b` with lanes as `i16`.",
sub_horizontal_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Horizontal `a - b` with lanes as `i32`.",
sub_horizontal_i32_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Horizontal saturating `a - b` with lanes as `i16`.",
sub_horizontal_saturating_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `a - b` with lanes as `i16`.",
sub_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `a - b` with lanes as `i32`.",
sub_i32_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `a - b` with lanes as `i64`.",
sub_i64_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise `a - b` with lanes as `i8`.",
sub_i8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise saturating `a - b` with lanes as `i16`.",
sub_saturating_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise saturating `a - b` with lanes as `i8`.",
sub_saturating_i8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise saturating `a - b` with lanes as `u16`.",
sub_saturating_u16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Lanewise saturating `a - b` with lanes as `u8`.",
sub_saturating_u8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Compute “sum of `u8` absolute differences”.",
sum_of_u8_abs_diff_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Unpack and interleave high `i16` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_high_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Unpack and interleave high `i32` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_high_i32_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Unpack and interleave high `i64` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_high_i64_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Unpack and interleave high `i8` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_high_i8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Unpack and interleave low `i16` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_low_i16_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Unpack and interleave low `i32` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_low_i32_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Unpack and interleave low `i64` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_low_i64_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
"Unpack and interleave low `i8` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_low_i8_m256i(a: m256i, b: m256i) -> m256i;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `bmi1` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_Bit_manipulation_instruction_set#BMI1_(Bit_Manipulation_Instruction_Set_1)>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "bmi1";
arch_fn! {
"Extract a span of bits from the `u32`, control value style.",
bit_extract2_u32(a: u32, control: u32) -> u32;
"Extract a span of bits from the `u64`, control value style.",
bit_extract2_u64(a: u64, control: u64) -> u64;
"Extract a span of bits from the `u32`, start and len style.",
bit_extract_u32(a: u32, start: u32, len: u32) -> u32;
"Extract a span of bits from the `u64`, start and len style.",
bit_extract_u64(a: u64, start: u32, len: u32) -> u64;
"Gets the mask of all bits up to and including the lowest set bit in a `u32`.",
bit_lowest_set_mask_u32(a: u32) -> u32;
"Gets the mask of all bits up to and including the lowest set bit in a `u64`.",
bit_lowest_set_mask_u64(a: u64) -> u64;
"Resets (clears) the lowest set bit.",
bit_lowest_set_reset_u32(a: u32) -> u32;
"Resets (clears) the lowest set bit.",
bit_lowest_set_reset_u64(a: u64) -> u64;
"Gets the <em>value</em> of the lowest set bit in a `u32`.",
bit_lowest_set_value_u32(a: u32) -> u32;
"Gets the <em>value</em> of the lowest set bit in a `u64`.",
bit_lowest_set_value_u64(a: u64) -> u64;
"Bitwise `(!a) & b` for `u32`",
bitandnot_u32(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32;
"Bitwise `(!a) & b` for `u64`",
bitandnot_u64(a: u64, b: u64) -> u64;
"Counts the number of trailing zero bits in a `u32`.",
trailing_zero_count_u32(a: u32) -> u32;
"Counts the number of trailing zero bits in a `u64`.",
trailing_zero_count_u64(a: u64) -> u64;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `bmi2` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_Bit_manipulation_instruction_set#BMI2_(Bit_Manipulation_Instruction_Set_2)>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "bmi2";
arch_fn! {
"Zero out all high bits in a `u32` starting at the index given.",
bit_zero_high_index_u32(a: u32, index: u32) -> u32;
"Zero out all high bits in a `u64` starting at the index given.",
bit_zero_high_index_u64(a: u64, index: u32) -> u64;
"Multiply two `u32`, outputting the low bits and storing the high bits in the reference.",
mul_extended_u32(a: u32, b: u32, extra: &mut u32) -> u32;
"Multiply two `u64`, outputting the low bits and storing the high bits in the reference.",
mul_extended_u64(a: u64, b: u64, extra: &mut u64) -> u64;
"Deposit contiguous low bits from a `u32` according to a mask.",
population_deposit_u32(a: u32, index: u32) -> u32;
"Deposit contiguous low bits from a `u64` according to a mask.",
population_deposit_u64(a: u64, index: u64) -> u64;
"Extract bits from a `u32` according to a mask.",
population_extract_u32(a: u32, index: u32) -> u32;
"Extract bits from a `u64` according to a mask.",
population_extract_u64(a: u64, index: u64) -> u64;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `fma` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FMA_instruction_set>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "fma";
arch_fn! {
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) + c`",
fused_mul_add_m128(a: m128, b: m128, c: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane fused `(a * b) + c`, other lanes unchanged",
fused_mul_add_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128, c: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) + c`",
fused_mul_add_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d, c: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane fused `(a * b) + c`, other lanes unchanged",
fused_mul_add_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d, c: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) + c`",
fused_mul_add_m256(a: m256, b: m256, c: m256) -> m256;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) + c`",
fused_mul_add_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d, c: m256d) -> m256d;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) addsub c` (adds odd lanes and subtracts even lanes)",
fused_mul_addsub_m128(a: m128, b: m128, c: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) addsub c` (adds odd lanes and subtracts even lanes)",
fused_mul_addsub_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d, c: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) addsub c` (adds odd lanes and subtracts even lanes)",
fused_mul_addsub_m256(a: m256, b: m256, c: m256) -> m256;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) addsub c` (adds odd lanes and subtracts even lanes)",
fused_mul_addsub_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d, c: m256d) -> m256d;
"Lanewise fused `-(a * b) + c`",
fused_mul_neg_add_m128(a: m128, b: m128, c: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `-(a * b) + c`, other lanes unchanged.",
fused_mul_neg_add_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128, c: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise fused `-(a * b) + c`",
fused_mul_neg_add_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d, c: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `-(a * b) + c`, other lanes unchanged.",
fused_mul_neg_add_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d, c: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise fused `-(a * b) + c`",
fused_mul_neg_add_m256(a: m256, b: m256, c: m256) -> m256;
"Lanewise fused `-(a * b) + c`",
fused_mul_neg_add_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d, c: m256d) -> m256d;
"Lanewise fused `-(a * b) - c`",
fused_mul_neg_sub_m128(a: m128, b: m128, c: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane fused `-(a * b) - c`, other lanes unchanged.",
fused_mul_neg_sub_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128, c: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise fused `-(a * b) - c`",
fused_mul_neg_sub_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d, c: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane fused `-(a * b) - c`, other lanes unchanged.",
fused_mul_neg_sub_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d, c: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise fused `-(a * b) - c`",
fused_mul_neg_sub_m256(a: m256, b: m256, c: m256) -> m256;
"Lanewise fused `-(a * b) - c`",
fused_mul_neg_sub_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d, c: m256d) -> m256d;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) - c`",
fused_mul_sub_m128(a: m128, b: m128, c: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane fused `(a * b) - c`, other lanes unchanged.",
fused_mul_sub_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128, c: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) - c`",
fused_mul_sub_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d, c: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane fused `(a * b) - c`, other lanes unchanged.",
fused_mul_sub_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d, c: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) - c`",
fused_mul_sub_m256(a: m256, b: m256, c: m256) -> m256;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) - c`",
fused_mul_sub_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d, c: m256d) -> m256d;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) subadd c` (subtracts odd lanes and adds even lanes)",
fused_mul_subadd_m128(a: m128, b: m128, c: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) subadd c` (subtracts odd lanes and adds even lanes)",
fused_mul_subadd_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d, c: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) subadd c` (subtracts odd lanes and adds even lanes)",
fused_mul_subadd_m256(a: m256, b: m256, c: m256) -> m256;
"Lanewise fused `(a * b) subadd c` (subtracts odd lanes and adds even lanes)",
fused_mul_subadd_m256d(a: m256d, b: m256d, c: m256d) -> m256d;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `lzcnt` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_Bit_manipulation_instruction_set#ABM_(Advanced_Bit_Manipulation)>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "lzcnt";
arch_fn! {
"Count the leading zeroes in a `u32`.",
leading_zero_count_u32(a: u32) -> u32;
"Count the leading zeroes in a `u64`.",
leading_zero_count_u64(a: u64) -> u64;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `pclmulqdq` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CLMUL_instruction_set>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "pclmulqdq";
arch_fn! {
"Performs a “carryless” multiplication of two `i64` values.",
mul_i64_carryless_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `popcnt` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_Bit_manipulation_instruction_set#ABM_(Advanced_Bit_Manipulation)>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "popcnt";
arch_fn! {
"Count the number of bits set within an `i32`",
population_count_i32(a: i32) -> i32;
"Count the number of bits set within an `i64`",
population_count_i64(a: i64) -> i32;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `rdrand` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDRAND>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "rdrand";
arch_fn! {
"Try to obtain a random `u16` from the hardware RNG.",
rdrand_u16(out: &mut u16) -> i32;
"Try to obtain a random `u32` from the hardware RNG.",
rdrand_u32(out: &mut u32) -> i32;
"Try to obtain a random `u64` from the hardware RNG.",
rdrand_u64(out: &mut u64) -> i32;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `rdseed` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDRAND>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "rdseed";
arch_fn! {
"Try to obtain a random `u16` from the hardware RNG.",
rdseed_u16(out: &mut u16) -> i32;
"Try to obtain a random `u32` from the hardware RNG.",
rdseed_u32(out: &mut u32) -> i32;
"Try to obtain a random `u64` from the hardware RNG.",
rdseed_u64(out: &mut u64) -> i32;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `sse` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streaming_SIMD_Extensions>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "sse";
arch_fn! {
"Lanewise `a + b`.",
add_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `a + b`, other lanes unchanged.",
add_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Bitwise `a & b`.",
bitand_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Bitwise `(!a) & b`.",
bitandnot_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Bitwise `a | b`.",
bitor_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Bitwise `a ^ b`.",
bitxor_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane equality.",
cmp_eq_i32_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> i32;
"Lanewise `a == b`.",
cmp_eq_mask_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `a == b`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_eq_mask_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane greater than or equal to.",
cmp_ge_i32_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> i32;
"Lanewise `a >= b`.",
cmp_ge_mask_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `a >= b`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_ge_mask_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane greater than.",
cmp_gt_i32_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> i32;
"Lanewise `a > b`.",
cmp_gt_mask_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `a > b`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_gt_mask_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane less than or equal to.",
cmp_le_i32_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> i32;
"Lanewise `a <= b`.",
cmp_le_mask_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `a <= b`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_le_mask_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane less than.",
cmp_lt_i32_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> i32;
"Lanewise `a < b`.",
cmp_lt_mask_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `a < b`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_lt_mask_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane not equal to.",
cmp_neq_i32_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> i32;
"Lanewise `a != b`.",
cmp_neq_mask_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `a != b`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_neq_mask_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise `!(a >= b)`.",
cmp_nge_mask_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `!(a >= b)`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_nge_mask_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise `!(a > b)`.",
cmp_ngt_mask_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `!(a > b)`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_ngt_mask_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise `!(a <= b)`.",
cmp_nle_mask_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `!(a <= b)`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_nle_mask_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise `!(a < b)`.",
cmp_nlt_mask_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `!(a < b)`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_nlt_mask_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise `(!a.is_nan()) & (!b.is_nan())`.",
cmp_ordered_mask_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `(!a.is_nan()) & (!b.is_nan())`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_ordered_mask_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise `a.is_nan() | b.is_nan()`.",
cmp_unord_mask_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `a.is_nan() | b.is_nan()`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_unord_mask_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Convert `i32` to `f32` and replace the low lane of the input.",
convert_i32_replace_m128_s(a: m128, i: i32) -> m128;
"Lanewise `a / b`.",
div_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `a / b`, other lanes unchanged.",
div_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Gets the low lane as an individual `f32` value.",
get_f32_from_m128_s(a: m128) -> f32;
"Converts the low lane to `i32` and extracts as an individual value.",
get_i32_from_m128_s(a: m128) -> i32;
"Loads the `f32` reference into the low lane of the register.",
load_f32_m128_s(a: &f32) -> m128;
"Loads the `f32` reference into all lanes of a register.",
load_f32_splat_m128(a: &f32) -> m128;
"Loads the reference into a register.",
load_m128(a: &m128) -> m128;
"Loads the reference into a register with reversed order.",
load_reverse_m128(a: &m128) -> m128;
"Loads the reference into a register.",
load_unaligned_m128(a: &[f32; 4]) -> m128;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)`.",
max_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `max(a, b)`, other lanes unchanged.",
max_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)`.",
min_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `min(a, b)`, other lanes unchanged.",
min_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Move the high lanes of `b` to the low lanes of `a`, other lanes unchanged.",
move_high_low_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Move the low lanes of `b` to the high lanes of `a`, other lanes unchanged.",
move_low_high_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Move the low lane of `b` to `a`, other lanes unchanged.",
move_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Gathers the sign bit of each lane.",
move_mask_m128(a: m128) -> i32;
"Lanewise `a * b`.",
mul_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `a * b`, other lanes unchanged.",
mul_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise `1.0 / a` approximation.",
reciprocal_m128(a: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `1.0 / a` approximation, other lanes unchanged.",
reciprocal_m128_s(a: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise `1.0 / sqrt(a)` approximation.",
reciprocal_sqrt_m128(a: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `1.0 / sqrt(a)` approximation, other lanes unchanged.",
reciprocal_sqrt_m128_s(a: m128) -> m128;
"Sets the args into an `m128`, first arg is the high lane.",
set_m128(three: f32, two: f32, one: f32, zero: f32) -> m128;
"Sets the args into an `m128`, first arg is the high lane.",
set_m128_s(low: f32) -> m128;
"Sets the args into an `m128`, first arg is the low lane.",
set_reversed_m128(zero: f32, one: f32, two: f32, three: f32) -> m128;
"Splats the value to all lanes.",
set_splat_m128(all: f32) -> m128;
"Shuffle the `f32` lanes from `$a` and `$b` together using an immediate control value.",
shuffle_abi_f32_all_m128<const MASK: i32>(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Lanewise `sqrt(a)`.",
sqrt_m128(a: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `sqrt(a)`, other lanes unchanged.",
sqrt_m128_s(a: m128) -> m128;
"Stores the value to the reference given.",
store_m128(r: &mut m128, a: m128);
"Stores the low lane value to the reference given.",
store_m128_s(r: &mut f32, a: m128);
"Stores the value to the reference given in reverse order.",
store_reverse_m128(r: &mut m128, a: m128);
"Stores the low lane value to all lanes of the reference given.",
store_splat_m128(r: &mut m128, a: m128);
"Stores the value to the reference given.",
store_unaligned_m128(r: &mut [f32; 4], a: m128);
"Lanewise `a - b`.",
sub_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Low lane `a - b`, other lanes unchanged.",
sub_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Transpose four `m128` as if they were a 4x4 matrix.",
transpose_four_m128(a: &mut m128, b: &mut m128, c: &mut m128, d: &mut m128);
"Unpack and interleave high lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_high_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Unpack and interleave low lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_low_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"All lanes zero.",
zeroed_m128() -> m128;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Generic functions requiring the `sse` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streaming_SIMD_Extensions>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "sse";
pub fn prefetch_et0<T>(addr: &T) {
pub fn prefetch_et1<T>(addr: &T) {
pub fn prefetch_nta<T>(addr: &T) {
pub fn prefetch_t0<T>(addr: &T) {
pub fn prefetch_t1<T>(addr: &T) {
pub fn prefetch_t2<T>(addr: &T) {
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `sse2` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSE2>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "sse2";
arch_fn! {
"Lanewise `a + b` with lanes as `i16`.",
add_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a + b` with lanes as `i32`.",
add_i32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a + b` with lanes as `i64`.",
add_i64_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a + b` with lanes as `i8`.",
add_i8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a + b`.",
add_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lowest lane `a + b`, high lane unchanged.",
add_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise saturating `a + b` with lanes as `i16`.",
add_saturating_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise saturating `a + b` with lanes as `i8`.",
add_saturating_i8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise saturating `a + b` with lanes as `u16`.",
add_saturating_u16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise saturating `a + b` with lanes as `u8`.",
add_saturating_u8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise average of the `u16` values.",
average_u16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise average of the `u8` values.",
average_u8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Bitwise `a & b`.",
bitand_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Bitwise `a & b`.",
bitand_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Bitwise `(!a) & b`.",
bitandnot_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Bitwise `(!a) & b`.",
bitandnot_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Bitwise `a | b`.",
bitor_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Bitwise `a | b`.",
bitor_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Bitwise `a ^ b`.",
bitxor_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Bitwise `a ^ b`.",
bitxor_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shifts all bits in the entire register left by a number of **bytes**.",
byte_shl_imm_u128_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shifts all bits in the entire register right by a number of **bytes**.",
byte_shr_imm_u128_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m128` from `m128d`",
cast_to_m128_from_m128d(a: m128d) -> m128;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m128` from `m128i`",
cast_to_m128_from_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m128d` from `m128`",
cast_to_m128d_from_m128(a: m128) -> m128d;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m128d` from `m128i`",
cast_to_m128d_from_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128d;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m128i` from `m128`",
cast_to_m128i_from_m128(a: m128) -> m128i;
"Bit-preserving cast to `m128i` from `m128d`",
cast_to_m128i_from_m128d(a: m128d) -> m128i;
"Low lane `f64` equal to.",
cmp_eq_i32_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> i32;
"Lanewise `a == b` with lanes as `i16`.",
cmp_eq_mask_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a == b` with lanes as `i32`.",
cmp_eq_mask_i32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a == b` with lanes as `i8`.",
cmp_eq_mask_i8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a == b`, mask output.",
cmp_eq_mask_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `a == b`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_eq_mask_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `f64` greater than or equal to.",
cmp_ge_i32_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> i32;
"Lanewise `a >= b`.",
cmp_ge_mask_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `a >= b`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_ge_mask_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `f64` greater than.",
cmp_gt_i32_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> i32;
"Lanewise `a > b` with lanes as `i16`.",
cmp_gt_mask_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a > b` with lanes as `i32`.",
cmp_gt_mask_i32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a > b` with lanes as `i8`.",
cmp_gt_mask_i8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a > b`.",
cmp_gt_mask_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `a > b`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_gt_mask_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `f64` less than or equal to.",
cmp_le_i32_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> i32;
"Lanewise `a <= b`.",
cmp_le_mask_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `a <= b`, other lanes unchanged.",
cmp_le_mask_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `f64` less than.",
cmp_lt_i32_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> i32;
"Lanewise `a < b` with lanes as `i16`.",
cmp_lt_mask_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a < b` with lanes as `i32`.",
cmp_lt_mask_i32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a < b` with lanes as `i8`.",
cmp_lt_mask_i8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a < b`.",
cmp_lt_mask_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `a < b`, other lane unchanged.",
cmp_lt_mask_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `f64` less than.",
cmp_neq_i32_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> i32;
"Lanewise `a != b`.",
cmp_neq_mask_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `a != b`, other lane unchanged.",
cmp_neq_mask_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise `!(a >= b)`.",
cmp_nge_mask_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `!(a >= b)`, other lane unchanged.",
cmp_nge_mask_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise `!(a > b)`.",
cmp_ngt_mask_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `!(a > b)`, other lane unchanged.",
cmp_ngt_mask_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise `!(a <= b)`.",
cmp_nle_mask_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `!(a <= b)`, other lane unchanged.",
cmp_nle_mask_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise `!(a < b)`.",
cmp_nlt_mask_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `!(a < b)`, other lane unchanged.",
cmp_nlt_mask_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise `(!a.is_nan()) & (!b.is_nan())`.",
cmp_ordered_mask_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `(!a.is_nan()) & (!b.is_nan())`, other lane unchanged.",
cmp_ordered_mask_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise `a.is_nan() | b.is_nan()`.",
cmp_unord_mask_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `a.is_nan() | b.is_nan()`, other lane unchanged.",
cmp_unord_mask_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Convert `i32` to `f64` and replace the low lane of the input.",
convert_i32_replace_m128d_s(a: m128d, i: i32) -> m128d;
"Convert `i64` to `f64` and replace the low lane of the input.",
convert_i64_replace_m128d_s(a: m128d, i: i64) -> m128d;
"Converts the lower `f32` to `f64` and replace the low lane of the input",
convert_m128_s_replace_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128) -> m128d;
"Converts the low `f64` to `f32` and replaces the low lane of the input.",
convert_m128d_s_replace_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128d) -> m128;
"Rounds the `f32` lanes to `i32` lanes.",
convert_to_i32_m128i_from_m128(a: m128) -> m128i;
"Rounds the two `f64` lanes to the low two `i32` lanes.",
convert_to_i32_m128i_from_m128d(a: m128d) -> m128i;
"Rounds the four `i32` lanes to four `f32` lanes.",
convert_to_m128_from_i32_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128;
"Rounds the two `f64` lanes to the low two `f32` lanes.",
convert_to_m128_from_m128d(a: m128d) -> m128;
"Rounds the lower two `i32` lanes to two `f64` lanes.",
convert_to_m128d_from_lower2_i32_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128d;
"Rounds the two `f64` lanes to the low two `f32` lanes.",
convert_to_m128d_from_lower2_m128(a: m128) -> m128d;
"Copy the low `i64` lane to a new register, upper bits 0.",
copy_i64_m128i_s(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Copies the `a` value and replaces the low lane with the low `b` value.",
copy_replace_low_f64_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise `a / b`.",
div_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lowest lane `a / b`, high lane unchanged.",
div_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Gets an `i16` value out of an `m128i`, returns as `i32`.",
extract_i16_as_i32_m128i<const LANE: i32>(a: m128i) -> i32;
"Gets the lower lane as an `f64` value.",
get_f64_from_m128d_s(a: m128d) -> f64;
"Converts the lower lane to an `i32` value.",
get_i32_from_m128d_s(a: m128d) -> i32;
"Converts the lower lane to an `i32` value.",
get_i32_from_m128i_s(a: m128i) -> i32;
"Converts the lower lane to an `i64` value.",
get_i64_from_m128d_s(a: m128d) -> i64;
"Converts the lower lane to an `i64` value.",
get_i64_from_m128i_s(a: m128i) -> i64;
"Inserts the low 16 bits of an `i32` value into an `m128i`.",
insert_i16_from_i32_m128i<const LANE: i32>(a: m128i, i: i32) -> m128i;
"Loads the reference into the low lane of the register.",
load_f64_m128d_s(a: &f64) -> m128d;
"Loads the `f64` reference into all lanes of a register.",
load_f64_splat_m128d(a: &f64) -> m128d;
"Loads the low `i64` into a register.",
load_i64_m128i_s(a: &m128i) -> m128i;
"Loads the reference into a register.",
load_m128d(a: &m128d) -> m128d;
"Loads the reference into a register.",
load_m128i(a: &m128i) -> m128i;
"Loads the reference into a register, replacing the high lane.",
load_replace_high_m128d(a: m128d, b: &f64) -> m128d;
"Loads the reference into a register, replacing the low lane.",
load_replace_low_m128d(a: m128d, b: &f64) -> m128d;
"Loads the reference into a register with reversed order.",
load_reverse_m128d(a: &m128d) -> m128d;
"Loads the reference into a register.",
load_unaligned_m128d(a: &[f64; 2]) -> m128d;
"Loads the reference into a register.",
load_unaligned_m128i(a: &[u8; 16]) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)` with lanes as `i16`.",
max_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)`.",
max_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `max(a, b)`, other lanes unchanged.",
max_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)` with lanes as `u8`.",
max_u8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)` with lanes as `i16`.",
min_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)`.",
min_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `min(a, b)`, other lanes unchanged.",
min_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)` with lanes as `u8`.",
min_u8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Gathers the `i8` sign bit of each lane.",
move_mask_i8_m128i(a: m128i) -> i32;
"Gathers the sign bit of each lane.",
move_mask_m128d(a: m128d) -> i32;
"Multiply `i16` lanes producing `i32` values, horizontal add pairs of `i32`
values to produce the final output.",
mul_i16_horizontal_add_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a * b` with lanes as `i16`, keep the high bits of the `i32` intermediates.",
mul_i16_keep_high_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a * b` with lanes as `i16`, keep the low bits of the `i32` intermediates.",
mul_i16_keep_low_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a * b`.",
mul_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lowest lane `a * b`, high lane unchanged.",
mul_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise `a * b` with lanes as `u16`, keep the high bits of the `u32` intermediates.",
mul_u16_keep_high_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Multiplies the odd `u32` lanes and gives the widened (`u64`) results.",
mul_widen_u32_odd_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Saturating convert `i16` to `i8`, and pack the values.",
pack_i16_to_i8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Saturating convert `i16` to `u8`, and pack the values.",
pack_i16_to_u8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Saturating convert `i32` to `i16`, and pack the values.",
pack_i32_to_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Sets the args into an `m128i`, first arg is the high lane.",
set_i16_m128i(a: i16, b: i16, c: i16, d: i16, e: i16, f: i16, g: i16, h: i16) -> m128i;
"Sets the args into an `m128i`, first arg is the high lane.",
set_i32_m128i(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32, d: i32) -> m128i;
"Set an `i32` as the low 32-bit lane of an `m128i`, other lanes blank.",
set_i32_m128i_s(i: i32) -> m128i;
"Sets the args into an `m128i`, first arg is the high lane.",
set_i64_m128i(a: i64, b: i64) -> m128i;
"Set an `i64` as the low 64-bit lane of an `m128i`, other lanes blank.",
set_i64_m128i_s(i: i64) -> m128i;
"Sets the args into an `m128i`, first arg is the high lane.",
set_i8_m128i(a: i8, b: i8, c: i8, d: i8, e: i8, f: i8, g: i8, h: i8, i: i8, j: i8,
k: i8, l: i8, m: i8, n: i8, o: i8, p: i8) -> m128i;
"Sets the args into an `m128d`, first arg is the high lane.",
set_m128d(a: f64, b: f64) -> m128d;
"Sets the args into the low lane of a `m128d`.",
set_m128d_s(a: f64) -> m128d;
"Sets the args into an `m128i`, first arg is the low lane.",
set_reversed_i16_m128i(a: i16, b: i16, c: i16, d: i16, e: i16, f: i16, g: i16,
h: i16) -> m128i;
"Sets the args into an `m128i`, first arg is the low lane.",
set_reversed_i32_m128i(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32, d: i32) -> m128i;
"Sets the args into an `m128i`, first arg is the low lane.",
set_reversed_i8_m128i(a: i8, b: i8, c: i8, d: i8, e: i8, f: i8, g: i8, h: i8, i: i8,
j: i8, k: i8, l: i8, m: i8, n: i8, o: i8, p: i8) -> m128i;
"Sets the args into an `m128d`, first arg is the low lane.",
set_reversed_m128d(a: f64, b: f64) -> m128d;
"Splats the `i16` to all lanes of the `m128i`.",
set_splat_i16_m128i(i: i16) -> m128i;
"Splats the `i32` to all lanes of the `m128i`.",
set_splat_i32_m128i(i: i32) -> m128i;
"Splats the `i64` to both lanes of the `m128i`.",
set_splat_i64_m128i(i: i64) -> m128i;
"Splats the `i8` to all lanes of the `m128i`.",
set_splat_i8_m128i(i: i8) -> m128i;
"Splats the args into both lanes of the `m128d`.",
set_splat_m128d(a: f64) -> m128d;
"Shift all `u16` lanes to the left by the `count` in the lower `u64` lane.",
shl_all_u16_m128i(a: m128i, count: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shift all `u32` lanes to the left by the `count` in the lower `u64` lane.",
shl_all_u32_m128i(a: m128i, count: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shift all `u64` lanes to the left by the `count` in the lower `u64` lane.",
shl_all_u64_m128i(a: m128i, count: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shifts all `u16` lanes left by an immediate.",
shl_imm_u16_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shifts all `u32` lanes left by an immediate.",
shl_imm_u32_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shifts both `u64` lanes left by an immediate.",
shl_imm_u64_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shift each `i16` lane to the right by the `count` in the lower `i64` lane.",
shr_all_i16_m128i(a: m128i, count: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shift each `i32` lane to the right by the `count` in the lower `i64` lane.",
shr_all_i32_m128i(a: m128i, count: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shift each `u16` lane to the right by the `count` in the lower `u64` lane.",
shr_all_u16_m128i(a: m128i, count: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shift each `u32` lane to the right by the `count` in the lower `u64` lane.",
shr_all_u32_m128i(a: m128i, count: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shift each `u64` lane to the right by the `count` in the lower `u64` lane.",
shr_all_u64_m128i(a: m128i, count: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shifts all `i16` lanes right by an immediate.",
shr_imm_i16_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shifts all `i32` lanes right by an immediate.",
shr_imm_i32_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shifts all `u16` lanes right by an immediate.",
shr_imm_u16_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shifts all `u32` lanes right by an immediate.",
shr_imm_u32_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shifts both `u64` lanes right by an immediate.",
shr_imm_u64_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shuffle the `f64` lanes from `$a` and `$b` together using an immediate control value.",
shuffle_abi_f64_all_m128d<const MASK: i32>(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Shuffle the `i32` lanes in `$a` using an immediate control value.",
shuffle_ai_f32_all_m128i<const MASK: i32>(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shuffle the high `i16` lanes in `$a` using an immediate control value.",
shuffle_ai_i16_h64all_m128i<const MASK: i32>(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shuffle the low `i16` lanes in `$a` using an immediate control value.",
shuffle_ai_i16_l64all_m128i<const MASK: i32>(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `sqrt(a)`.",
sqrt_m128d(a: m128d) -> m128d;
"Low lane `sqrt(b)`, upper lane is unchanged from `a`.",
sqrt_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Stores the high lane value to the reference given.",
store_high_m128d_s(r: &mut f64, a: m128d);
"Stores the value to the reference given.",
store_i64_m128i_s(r: &mut i64, a: m128i);
"Stores the value to the reference given.",
store_m128d(r: &mut m128d, a: m128d);
"Stores the low lane value to the reference given.",
store_m128d_s(r: &mut f64, a: m128d);
"Stores the value to the reference given.",
store_m128i(r: &mut m128i, a: m128i);
"Stores the value to the reference given.",
store_reversed_m128d(r: &mut m128d, a: m128d);
"Stores the low lane value to all lanes of the reference given.",
store_splat_m128d(r: &mut m128d, a: m128d);
"Stores the value to the reference given.",
store_unaligned_m128d(r: &mut [f64; 2], a: m128d);
"Stores the value to the reference given.",
store_unaligned_m128i(r: &mut [u8; 16], a: m128i);
"Lanewise `a - b` with lanes as `i16`.",
sub_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a - b` with lanes as `i32`.",
sub_i32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a - b` with lanes as `i64`.",
sub_i64_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a - b` with lanes as `i8`.",
sub_i8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a - b`.",
sub_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lowest lane `a - b`, high lane unchanged.",
sub_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise saturating `a - b` with lanes as `i16`.",
sub_saturating_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise saturating `a - b` with lanes as `i8`.",
sub_saturating_i8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise saturating `a - b` with lanes as `u16`.",
sub_saturating_u16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise saturating `a - b` with lanes as `u8`.",
sub_saturating_u8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Compute “sum of `u8` absolute differences”.",
sum_of_u8_abs_diff_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Truncate the `f32` lanes to `i32` lanes.",
truncate_m128_to_m128i(a: m128) -> m128i;
"Truncate the `f64` lanes to the lower `i32` lanes (upper `i32` lanes 0).",
truncate_m128d_to_m128i(a: m128d) -> m128i;
"Truncate the lower lane into an `i32`.",
truncate_to_i32_m128d_s(a: m128d) -> i32;
"Truncate the lower lane into an `i64`.",
truncate_to_i64_m128d_s(a: m128d) -> i64;
"Unpack and interleave high `i16` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_high_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Unpack and interleave high `i32` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_high_i32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Unpack and interleave high `i64` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_high_i64_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Unpack and interleave high `i8` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_high_i8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Unpack and interleave high lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_high_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Unpack and interleave low `i16` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_low_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Unpack and interleave low `i32` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_low_i32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Unpack and interleave low `i64` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_low_i64_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Unpack and interleave low `i8` lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_low_i8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Unpack and interleave low lanes of `a` and `b`.",
unpack_low_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Both lanes zero.",
zeroed_m128d() -> m128d;
"All lanes zero.",
zeroed_m128i() -> m128i;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `sse3` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSE3>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "sse3";
arch_fn! {
"Add each lane horizontally, pack the outputs as `a` then `b`.",
add_horizontal_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Add each lane horizontally, pack the outputs as `a` then `b`.",
add_horizontal_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Alternately, from the top, add a lane and then subtract a lane.",
addsub_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Add the high lane and subtract the low lane.",
addsub_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Duplicate the odd lanes to the even lanes.",
duplicate_even_lanes_m128(a: m128) -> m128;
"Copy the low lane of the input to both lanes of the output.",
duplicate_low_lane_m128d_s(a: m128d) -> m128d;
"Duplicate the odd lanes to the even lanes.",
duplicate_odd_lanes_m128(a: m128) -> m128;
"Subtract each lane horizontally, pack the outputs as `a` then `b`.",
sub_horizontal_m128(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Subtract each lane horizontally, pack the outputs as `a` then `b`.",
sub_horizontal_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `sse4.1` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSE4#SSE4.1>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "sse4.1";
arch_fn! {
"Blends the `i16` lanes according to the immediate mask.",
blend_imm_i16_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Blends the lanes according to the immediate mask.",
blend_imm_m128<const IMM: i32>(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Blends the `i16` lanes according to the immediate mask.",
blend_imm_m128d<const IMM: i32>(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Blend the `i8` lanes according to a runtime varying mask.",
blend_varying_i8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i, mask: m128i) -> m128i;
"Blend the lanes according to a runtime varying mask.",
blend_varying_m128(a: m128, b: m128, mask: m128) -> m128;
"Blend the lanes according to a runtime varying mask.",
blend_varying_m128d(a: m128d, b: m128d, mask: m128d) -> m128d;
"Round each lane to a whole number, towards positive infinity.",
ceil_m128(a: m128) -> m128;
"Round the low lane of `b` toward positive infinity, other lanes `a`.",
ceil_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Round each lane to a whole number, towards positive infinity.",
ceil_m128d(a: m128d) -> m128d;
"Round the low lane of `b` toward positive infinity, high lane is `a`.",
ceil_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Lanewise `a == b` with lanes as `i64`.",
cmp_eq_mask_i64_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Convert the lower two `i64` lanes to two `i32` lanes.",
convert_to_i16_m128i_from_lower2_i16_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Convert the lower eight `i8` lanes to eight `i16` lanes.",
convert_to_i16_m128i_from_lower8_i8_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Convert the lower four `i16` lanes to four `i32` lanes.",
convert_to_i32_m128i_from_lower4_i16_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Convert the lower four `i8` lanes to four `i32` lanes.",
convert_to_i32_m128i_from_lower4_i8_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Convert the lower two `i32` lanes to two `i64` lanes.",
convert_to_i64_m128i_from_lower2_i32_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Convert the lower two `i8` lanes to two `i64` lanes.",
convert_to_i64_m128i_from_lower2_i8_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Convert the lower eight `u8` lanes to eight `u16` lanes.",
convert_to_u16_m128i_from_lower8_u8_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Convert the lower four `u16` lanes to four `u32` lanes.",
convert_to_u32_m128i_from_lower4_u16_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Convert the lower four `u8` lanes to four `u32` lanes.",
convert_to_u32_m128i_from_lower4_u8_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Convert the lower two `u16` lanes to two `u64` lanes.",
convert_to_u64_m128i_from_lower2_u16_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Convert the lower two `u32` lanes to two `u64` lanes.",
convert_to_u64_m128i_from_lower2_u32_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Convert the lower two `u8` lanes to two `u64` lanes.",
convert_to_u64_m128i_from_lower2_u8_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Performs a dot product of two `m128` registers.",
dot_product_m128<const IMM: i32>(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Performs a dot product of two `m128d` registers.",
dot_product_m128d<const IMM: i32>(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Gets the `f32` lane requested. Returns as an `i32` bit pattern.",
extract_f32_as_i32_bits_imm_m128<const IMM: i32>(a: m128) -> i32;
"Gets the `i32` lane requested. Only the lowest 2 bits are considered.",
extract_i32_imm_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i) -> i32;
"Gets the `i64` lane requested. Only the lowest bit is considered.",
extract_i64_imm_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i) -> i64;
"Gets the `i8` lane requested. Only the lowest 4 bits are considered.",
extract_i8_as_i32_imm_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i) -> i32;
"Round each lane to a whole number, towards negative infinity",
floor_m128(a: m128) -> m128;
"Round the low lane of `b` toward negative infinity, other lanes `a`.",
floor_m128_s(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Round each lane to a whole number, towards negative infinity",
floor_m128d(a: m128d) -> m128d;
"Round the low lane of `b` toward negative infinity, high lane is `a`.",
floor_m128d_s(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Inserts a lane from `$b` into `$a`, optionally at a new position.",
insert_f32_imm_m128<const IMM: i32>(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Inserts a new value for the `i32` lane specified.",
insert_i32_imm_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i, new: i32) -> m128i;
"Inserts a new value for the `i64` lane specified.",
insert_i64_imm_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i, new: i64) -> m128i;
"Inserts a new value for the `i64` lane specified.",
insert_i8_imm_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i, new: i32) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)` with lanes as `i32`.",
max_i32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)` with lanes as `i8`.",
max_i8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)` with lanes as `u16`.",
max_u16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `max(a, b)` with lanes as `u32`.",
max_u32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)` with lanes as `i32`.",
min_i32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)` with lanes as `i8`.",
min_i8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Min `u16` value, position, and other lanes zeroed.",
min_position_u16_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)` with lanes as `u16`.",
min_u16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `min(a, b)` with lanes as `u32`.",
min_u32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise `a * b` with 32-bit lanes.",
mul_32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Multiplies the odd `i32` lanes and gives the widened (`i64`) results.",
mul_widen_i32_odd_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Computes eight `u16` “sum of absolute difference” values according to the bytes selected.",
multi_packed_sum_abs_diff_u8_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Saturating convert `i32` to `u16`, and pack the values.",
pack_i32_to_u16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Rounds each lane in the style specified.",
round_m128<const MODE: i32>(a: m128) -> m128;
"Rounds `$b` low as specified, other lanes use `$a`.",
round_m128_s<const MODE: i32>(a: m128, b: m128) -> m128;
"Rounds each lane in the style specified.",
round_m128d<const MODE: i32>(a: m128d) -> m128d;
"Rounds `$b` low as specified, keeps `$a` high.",
round_m128d_s<const MODE: i32>(a: m128d, b: m128d) -> m128d;
"Tests if all bits are 1.",
test_all_ones_m128i(a: m128i) -> i32;
"Returns if all masked bits are 0, `(a & mask) as u128 == 0`",
test_all_zeroes_m128i(a: m128i, mask: m128i) -> i32;
"Returns if, among the masked bits, there’s both 0s and 1s",
test_mixed_ones_and_zeroes_m128i(a: m128i, mask: m128i) -> i32;
"Compute the bitwise NOT of `a` and then AND with `b`,
returns 1 if the result is zero, otherwise 0.",
testc_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> i32;
"Computes the bitwise AND of 256 bits in `a` and
`b`, returns 1 if the result is zero, otherwise 0.",
testz_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> i32;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `sse4.2` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSE4#SSE4.2>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "sse4.2";
arch_fn! {
"Lanewise `a > b` with lanes as `i64`.",
cmp_gt_mask_i64_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Accumulates the `u16` into a running CRC32 value.",
crc32_u16(crc: u32, v: u16) -> u32;
"Accumulates the `u32` into a running CRC32 value.",
crc32_u32(crc: u32, v: u32) -> u32;
"Accumulates the `u64` into a running CRC32 value.",
crc32_u64(crc: u64, v: u64) -> u64;
"Accumulates the `u8` into a running CRC32 value.",
crc32_u8(crc: u32, v: u8) -> u32;
"Search for `needle` in `haystack, with explicit string length.",
search_explicit_str_for_index<const IMM: i32>(
needle: m128i, needle_len: i32, haystack: m128i, haystack_len: i32) -> i32;
"Search for `needle` in `haystack, with explicit string length.",
search_explicit_str_for_mask<const IMM: i32>(
needle: m128i, needle_len: i32, haystack: m128i, haystack_len: i32) -> m128i;
"Search for `needle` in `haystack, with implicit string length.",
search_implicit_str_for_index<const IMM: i32>(needle: m128i, haystack: m128i) -> i32;
"Search for `needle` in `haystack, with implicit string length.",
search_implicit_str_for_mask<const IMM: i32>(needle: m128i, haystack: m128i) -> m128i;
impl_arch! {
#[doc = "# Functions requiring the `ssse3` target feature.\n\n---"]
#[doc = "See: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSSE3>"]
features = "dep_safe_arch", any_target_arch = "x86", "x86_64", target_features = "ssse3";
arch_fn! {
"Lanewise absolute value with lanes as `i16`.",
abs_i16_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise absolute value with lanes as `i32`.",
abs_i32_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Lanewise absolute value with lanes as `i8`.",
abs_i8_m128i(a: m128i) -> m128i;
"Add horizontal pairs of `i16` values, pack the outputs as `a` then `b`.",
add_horizontal_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Add horizontal pairs of `i32` values, pack the outputs as `a` then `b`.",
add_horizontal_i32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Add horizontal pairs of `i16` values, saturating, pack the outputs as `a` then `b`.",
add_horizontal_saturating_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Counts `$a` as the high bytes and `$b` as the low bytes then performs a
**byte** shift to the right by the immediate value.",
combined_byte_shr_imm_m128i<const IMM: i32>(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Multiply `i16` lanes into `i32` intermediates, keep the high 18 bits,
round by adding 1, right shift by 1.",
mul_i16_scale_round_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"This is dumb and weird.",
mul_u8i8_add_horizontal_saturating_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Shuffle `i8` lanes in `a` using `i8` values in `v`.",
shuffle_av_i8z_all_m128i(a: m128i, v: m128i) -> m128i;
"Applies the sign of `i16` values in `b` to the values in `a`.",
sign_apply_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Applies the sign of `i32` values in `b` to the values in `a`.",
sign_apply_i32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Applies the sign of `i8` values in `b` to the values in `a`.",
sign_apply_i8_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Subtract horizontal pairs of `i16` values, pack the outputs as `a` then `b`.",
sub_horizontal_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Subtract horizontal pairs of `i32` values, pack the outputs as `a` then `b`.",
sub_horizontal_i32_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
"Subtract horizontal pairs of `i16` values, saturating, pack the outputs as `a` then `b`.",
sub_horizontal_saturating_i16_m128i(a: m128i, b: m128i) -> m128i;
macro_rules! impl_arch {
$( #[doc = $doc:literal] )*
$( features = $( $feature:literal ),+ $(,)? )? $( any_target_arch = $( $target_arch:literal ),+ $(,)? )? $( target_features = $( $target_feature:literal ),+ $(,)? )? ;
) => {
$( #[doc = $doc] )*
#[cfg(any($(feature = $feature),+))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly_doc", doc(cfg(any($(feature = $feature),+))))]
#[cfg(any($(target_arch = $target_arch),+))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly_doc", doc(cfg(any($(target_arch = $target_arch),+))))]
#[cfg(any($(target_feature = $target_feature),+))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly_doc", doc(cfg(any($(target_feature = $target_feature),+))))]
impl Arch { $($item)* }
use impl_arch;
#[allow(unused_macros, reason = "feature-gated")]
macro_rules! arch_fn {
() => {};
( $doc:literal,
$fn_name:ident$(<$(const $const_name:ident: $const_ty:ty),*>)?
($($param:ident: $ty:ty),* $(,)?) -> $ret:ty
) => { $crate::paste! { #[doc = $doc]
#[doc = "\n\nSee: [`" $fn_name "`][crate::_dep::safe_arch::" $fn_name "]."] #[must_use]
pub fn $fn_name$(<$(const $const_name: $const_ty),*>)?($($param: $ty),*) -> $ret {
( $doc:literal,
$fn_name:ident$(<$(const $const_name:ident: $const_ty:ty),*>)?
($($param:ident: $ty:ty),* $(,)?)
) => { $crate::paste! {
#[doc = $doc]
#[doc = "\n\nSee: [`" $fn_name "`][crate::_dep::safe_arch::" $fn_name "]."] pub fn $fn_name$(<$(const $const_name: $const_ty),*>)?($($param: $ty),*) {
( $($doc:literal,
$fn_name:ident$(<$(const $const_name:ident: $const_ty:ty),*>)?
($($param:ident: $ty:ty),* $(,)?) $(-> $ret:ty)?);+ $(;)?
) => {
$( arch_fn![
$fn_name$(<$(const $const_name: $const_ty),*>)?($($param: $ty),*) $(-> $ret)?
]; )+
#[allow(unused_imports, reason = "feature-gated")]
use arch_fn;