#[cfg(all(_float··, not(feature = "std")))]
use crate::iif;
use crate::num::{
NumError::{self, Invalid, Unspecified},
NumResult as Result,
use crate::paste;
use crate::{Add, Div, Mul, Neg, Rem, Sub};
macro_rules! impl_num {
[] => {
impl_num![i i8:"_int_i8", i16:"_int_i16", i32:"_int_i32",
i64:"_int_i64", i128:"_int_i128", isize:"_int_isize"];
impl_num![u u8:"_int_u8", u16:"_int_u16", u32:"_int_u32",
u64:"_int_u64", u128:"_int_u128", usize:"_int_usize"];
impl_num![f f32:"_float_f32", f64:"_float_f64"];
(i $($p:ident : $cap:literal),+) => { $( impl_num![@i $p : $cap]; )+ };
(@i $p:ident : $cap:literal) => { paste! {
#[cfg(feature = $cap )]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly_doc", doc(cfg(feature = $cap)))]
impl Num for $p {
type Inner = $p;
type Out = $p;
type Rhs = $p;
fn num_into(self) -> Self::Inner { self }
fn num_from(from: Self::Inner) -> Result<Self> { Ok(from) }
fn num_from_ref(from: &Self::Inner) -> Result<Self> { Ok(*from) }
fn num_set(&mut self, value: Self::Inner) -> Result<()> { *self = value; Ok(()) }
fn num_set_ref(&mut self, value: &Self::Inner) -> Result<()> {
*self = *value; Ok(())
fn num_is_zero(&self) -> Result<bool> { Ok(*self == 0) }
fn num_is_one(&self) -> Result<bool> { Ok(*self == 1) }
fn num_get_zero() -> Result<Self> { Self::num_from(0) }
fn num_get_one() -> Result<Self> { Self::num_from(1) }
fn num_set_zero(&mut self) -> Result<()> { *self = 0; Ok(()) }
fn num_set_one(&mut self) -> Result<()> { *self = 1; Ok(()) }
impl_num![op2_checked Self => add, mul, sub, div, rem];
impl_num![op1_checked Self => neg, abs];
#[cfg(feature = $cap )]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly_doc", doc(cfg(feature = $cap)))]
impl Num for [<NonZero $p:camel>] {
type Inner = $p;
type Out = [<NonZero $p:camel>];
type Rhs = [<NonZero $p:camel>];
fn num_into(self) -> Self::Inner { [< NonZero $p:camel >]::get(self) }
fn num_from(from: Self::Inner) -> Result<Self> { Self::new(from).ok_or(Invalid) }
fn num_from_ref(from: &Self::Inner) -> Result<Self> { Self::new(*from).ok_or(Invalid) }
fn num_set(&mut self, value: Self::Inner) -> Result<()> {
*self = Self::new(value).ok_or(Invalid)?; Ok(())
fn num_set_ref(&mut self, value: &Self::Inner) -> Result<()> {
*self = Self::new(*value).ok_or(Invalid)?; Ok(())
fn num_is_zero(&self) -> Result<bool> { Ok(false) }
fn num_is_one(&self) -> Result<bool> { self.get().num_is_one() }
fn num_get_zero() -> Result<Self> { NumError::ni() }
fn num_get_one() -> Result<Self> { Ok(Self::new(1).unwrap()) }
fn num_set_zero(&mut self) -> Result<()> { NumError::ni() }
fn num_set_one(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
#[cfg(any(feature = "safe_num", not(feature = "unsafe_niche")))]
{ *self = Self::new(1).unwrap(); Ok(()) }
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "safe_num"), feature = "unsafe_niche"))]
{ *self = unsafe { Self::new_unchecked(1) }; Ok(()) }
impl_num![op2_checked Self => mul];
impl_num![op1_checked Self => neg, abs];
impl_num![op2_get_checked Self => add, sub, div, rem];
(non_value i $($p:ident : $cap:literal),+) => { $( impl_num![@non_value i $p : $cap]; )+ };
(@non_value i $p:ident : $cap:literal) => { paste! {
#[cfg(feature = $cap)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly_doc", doc(cfg(feature = $cap)))]
impl<const V: $p> Num for [<NonValue $p:camel>]<V> {
type Inner = $p;
type Out = [<NonValue $p:camel>]<V>;
type Rhs = [<NonValue $p:camel>]<V>;
(u $($p:ident : $cap:literal),+) => { $( impl_num![@u $p : $cap]; )+ };
(@u $p:ident : $cap:literal) => { paste! {
#[cfg(feature = $cap )]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly_doc", doc(cfg(feature = $cap)))]
impl Num for $p {
type Inner = $p;
type Out = $p;
type Rhs = $p;
fn num_into(self) -> Self::Inner { self }
fn num_from(from: Self::Inner) -> Result<Self> { Ok(from) }
fn num_from_ref(from: &Self::Inner) -> Result<Self> { Ok(*from) }
fn num_set(&mut self, value: Self::Inner) -> Result<()> { *self = value; Ok(()) }
fn num_set_ref(&mut self, value: &Self::Inner) -> Result<()> {
*self = *value; Ok(())
fn num_is_zero(&self) -> Result<bool> { Ok(*self == 0) }
fn num_is_one(&self) -> Result<bool> { Ok(*self == 1) }
fn num_get_zero() -> Result<Self> { Self::num_from(0) }
fn num_get_one() -> Result<Self> { Self::num_from(1) }
fn num_set_zero(&mut self) -> Result<()> { *self = 0; Ok(()) }
fn num_set_one(&mut self) -> Result<()> { *self = 1; Ok(()) }
impl_num![op2_checked Self => add, mul, sub, div, rem];
impl_num![op1_checked Self => neg];
fn num_abs(self) -> Result<Self> { Ok(self) }
fn num_ref_abs(&self) -> Result<Self> { Ok(*self) }
#[cfg(feature = $cap )]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly_doc", doc(cfg(feature = $cap)))]
impl Num for [<NonZero $p:camel>] {
type Inner = $p;
type Out = [<NonZero $p:camel>];
type Rhs = [<NonZero $p:camel>];
fn num_into(self) -> Self::Inner { [< NonZero $p:camel >]::get(self) }
fn num_from(from: Self::Inner) -> Result<Self> { Self::new(from).ok_or(Invalid) }
fn num_from_ref(from: &Self::Inner) -> Result<Self> { Self::new(*from).ok_or(Invalid) }
fn num_set(&mut self, value: Self::Inner) -> Result<()> {
*self = Self::new(value).ok_or(Invalid)?; Ok(())
fn num_set_ref(&mut self, value: &Self::Inner) -> Result<()> {
*self = Self::new(*value).ok_or(Invalid)?; Ok(())
fn num_is_zero(&self) -> Result<bool> { Ok(false) }
fn num_is_one(&self) -> Result<bool> { Ok(self.get() == 1) }
fn num_get_zero() -> Result<Self> { NumError::ni() }
fn num_get_one() -> Result<Self> { Ok(Self::new(1).unwrap()) }
fn num_set_zero(&mut self) -> Result<()> { NumError::ni() }
fn num_set_one(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
#[cfg(any(feature = "safe_num", not(feature = "unsafe_niche")))]
{ *self = Self::new(1).unwrap(); Ok(()) }
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "safe_num"), feature = "unsafe_niche"))]
{ *self = unsafe { Self::new_unchecked(1) }; Ok(()) }
impl_num![op2_checked Self => mul]; impl_num![op2_get_checked Self => add, sub, div, rem];
impl_num![op1_none Self => neg]; fn num_abs(self) -> Result<Self> { Ok(self) }
fn num_ref_abs(&self) -> Result<Self> { Ok(*self) }
(non_value u $($p:ident : $cap:literal),+) => { $( impl_num![@non_value u $p : $cap]; )+ };
(@non_value u $p:ident : $cap:literal) => { paste! {
#[cfg(feature = $cap)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly_doc", doc(cfg(feature = $cap)))]
impl<const V: $p> Num for [<NonValue $p:camel>]<V> {
type Inner = $p;
type Out = [<NonValue $p:camel>]<V>;
type Rhs = [<NonValue $p:camel>]<V>;
impl_num![custom_u_body]; }
(f $($p:ident : $cap:literal),+) => { $( impl_num![@f $p : $cap]; )+ };
(@f $p:ident : $cap:literal) => {
#[cfg(feature = $cap )]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly_doc", doc(cfg(feature = $cap)))]
impl Num for $p { paste! {
type Inner = $p;
type Out = $p;
type Rhs = $p;
fn num_into(self) -> Self::Inner { self }
fn num_from(from: Self::Inner) -> Result<Self> { Ok(from) }
fn num_from_ref(from: &Self::Inner) -> Result<Self> { Ok(*from) }
fn num_set(&mut self, value: Self::Inner) -> Result<()> { *self = value; Ok(()) }
fn num_set_ref(&mut self, value: &Self::Inner) -> Result<()> {
*self = *value; Ok(())
#[doc = "This implementation has a tolerance of 5 × [`EPSILON`][" $p "::EPSILON]"]
fn num_is_zero(&self) -> Result<bool> {
Ok(self.num_ref_abs()? < 5.0 * <$p>::EPSILON)
#[doc = "This implementation has a tolerance of 5 × [`EPSILON`][" $p "::EPSILON]"]
fn num_is_one(&self) -> Result<bool> {
Ok(self.num_sub(1.0)?.num_ref_abs()? < 5.0 * <$p>::EPSILON)
fn num_get_zero() -> Result<Self> { Self::num_from(0.0) }
fn num_get_one() -> Result<Self> { Self::num_from(1.0) }
fn num_set_zero(&mut self) -> Result<()> { *self = Self::num_from(0.0)?; Ok(()) }
fn num_set_one(&mut self) -> Result<()> { *self = Self::num_from(1.0)?; Ok(()) }
impl_num![op2_float Self => add, mul, sub, div, rem];
impl_num![op1_float Self => neg];
fn num_abs(self) -> Result<Self> {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
return Ok($p::abs(self));
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
Ok(iif![self >= 0.0; self; -self])
fn num_ref_abs(&self) -> Result<Self> {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
return Ok($p::abs(*self));
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
Ok(iif![*self >= 0.0; *self; -*self])
(custom_i_body) => {
impl_num![op2_get_checked Self => add, mul, sub, div, rem];
impl_num![op1_get_checked Self => neg, abs];
(custom_u_body) => {
impl_num![op2_get_checked Self => add, mul, sub, div, rem];
impl_num![op1_get_checked Self => neg];
fn num_abs(self) -> Result<Self> { Ok(self) }
fn num_ref_abs(&self) -> Result<Self> { Ok(*self) }
(custom_body) => {
fn num_into(self) -> Self::Inner { self.get() }
fn num_from(from: Self::Inner) -> Result<Self> { Self::new(from).ok_or(Invalid) }
fn num_from_ref(from: &Self::Inner) -> Result<Self> { Self::new(*from).ok_or(Invalid) }
fn num_set(&mut self, value: Self::Inner) -> Result<()> {
*self = Self::num_from(value)?; Ok(())
fn num_set_ref(&mut self, value: &Self::Inner) -> Result<()> {
*self = Self::num_from(*value)?; Ok(())
fn num_is_zero(&self) -> Result<bool> { Ok(self.get() == 0) }
fn num_is_one(&self) -> Result<bool> { Ok(self.get() == 1) }
fn num_get_zero() -> Result<Self> { Self::num_from(0) }
fn num_get_one() -> Result<Self> { Self::num_from(1) }
fn num_set_zero(&mut self) -> Result<()> { *self = Self::num_from(0)?; Ok(()) }
fn num_set_one(&mut self) -> Result<()> { *self = Self::num_from(1)?; Ok(()) }
(op1_none $Self:ty => $($op:ident),+) => {
(@op1_none $Self:ty => $op:ident) => { paste! {
fn [<num_ $op>](self) -> Result<$Self::Out> { NumError::ni() }
fn [<num_ref_ $op>](&self) -> Result<$Self::Out> { NumError::ni() }
(op2_none $Self:ty => $($op:ident),+) => {
$( impl_num![@op2_none $Self => $op]; )+ };
(@op2_none $Self:ty => $op:ident) => {
fn [<num_ $op>](self, other: $Self) -> Result<$Self::Out> { NumError::ni() }
fn [<num_ref_ $op>](&self, other: &$Self) -> Result<$Self::Out> { NumError::ni() }
fn [<num_ref_ $op _assign>](&mut self, other: &$Self) -> Result<()> { NumError::ni() }
(op1_checked $Self:ty => $($op:ident),+) => {
$( impl_num![@op1_checked $Self => $op]; )+ };
(@op1_checked $Self:ty => $op:ident) => { paste! {
fn [<num_ $op>](self) -> Result<$Self::Out> {
fn [<num_ref_ $op>](&self) -> Result<$Self::Out> {
(op2_checked $Self:ty => $($op:ident),+) => {
$( impl_num![@op2_checked $Self => $op]; )+ };
(@op2_checked $Self:ty => $op:ident) => { paste! {
fn [<num_ $op>](self, other: $Self) -> Result<$Self::Out> {
self.[<checked_ $op>](other).ok_or(Unspecified)
fn [<num_ref_ $op>](&self, other: &$Self) -> Result<$Self::Out> {
self.[<checked_ $op>](*other).ok_or(Unspecified)
fn [<num_ref_ $op _assign>](&mut self, other: &$Self) -> Result<()> {
*self = self.[<checked_ $op>](*other).ok_or(Unspecified)?;
(op1_get_checked $Self:ty => $($op:ident),+) => {
$( impl_num![@op1_get_checked $Self => $op]; )+ };
(@op1_get_checked $Self:ty => $op:ident) => { paste! {
fn [<num_ $op>](self) -> Result<$Self::Out> {
$Self::new(self.get().[<checked_ $op>]().ok_or(Unspecified)?).ok_or(Unspecified)
fn [<num_ref_ $op>](&self) -> Result<$Self::Out> {
$Self::new(self.get().[<checked_ $op>]().ok_or(Unspecified)?).ok_or(Unspecified)
(op2_get_checked $Self:ty => $($op:ident),+) => {
$( impl_num![@op2_get_checked $Self => $op]; )+ };
(@op2_get_checked $Self:ty => $op:ident) => { paste! {
fn [<num_ $op>](self, other: $Self) -> Result<$Self::Out> {
$Self::new(self.get().[<checked_ $op>](other.get()).ok_or(Unspecified)?)
fn [<num_ref_ $op>](&self, other: &$Self) -> Result<$Self::Out> {
$Self::new(self.get().[<checked_ $op>](other.get()).ok_or(Unspecified)?)
fn [<num_ref_ $op _assign>](&mut self, other: &$Self) -> Result<()> {
*self = $Self::new(self.get().[<checked_ $op>](other.get()).ok_or(Unspecified)?)
(op1_float $Self:ty => $($op:ident),+) => { $( impl_num![@op1_float $Self => $op]; )+ };
(@op1_float $Self:ty => $op:ident) => { paste! {
fn [<num_ $op>](self) -> Result<$Self::Out> { Ok([<$op:camel>]::[<$op>](self)) }
fn [<num_ref_ $op>](&self) -> Result<$Self::Out> { Ok([<$op:camel>]::[<$op>](self)) }
(op2_float $Self:ty => $($op:ident),+) => { $( impl_num![@op2_float $Self => $op]; )+ };
(@op2_float $Self:ty => $op:ident) => { paste! {
fn [<num_ $op>](self, other: $Self) -> Result<$Self::Out> {
Ok([<$op:camel>]::[<$op>](self, other))
fn [<num_ref_ $op>](&self, other: &$Self) -> Result<$Self::Out> {
Ok([<$op:camel>]::[<$op>](self, *other))