macro_rules! cfg_if {
( $( if #[cfg( $i_meta:meta )] { $( $i_tokens:tt )* } ) else+
else { $( $e_tokens:tt )* }
) => { ... };
( $( if #[cfg( $i_meta:meta )] { $( $i_tokens:tt )* } ) else+
else { $( $e_tokens:tt )* }
if $($extra_conditions:tt)+
) => { ... };
( if #[cfg( $i_meta:meta )] { $( $i_tokens:tt )* }
$( else if #[cfg( $e_meta:meta )] { $( $e_tokens:tt )* } )*
) => { ... };
( if #[cfg( $i_meta:meta )] { $( $i_tokens:tt )* }
$( else if #[cfg( $e_meta:meta )] { $( $e_tokens:tt )* } )*
if $($extra_conditions:tt)+
) => { ... };
(@__items ( $( $_:meta , )* ) ; ) => { ... };
( @__items ( $( $no:meta , )* ) ;
(( $( $yes:meta )? ) ( $( $tokens:tt )* )) ,
$( $rest:tt , )*
) => { ... };
(@__identity $( $tokens:tt )* ) => { ... };
Expand description
A macro for defining #[cfg]
if-else statements.
Allows definition of a cascade of #[cfg]
emitting the implementation which matches first.
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(unix)] {
fn foo() { /* unix specific functionality */ }
} else if #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] {
fn foo() { /* non-unix, 32-bit functionality */ }
} else {
fn foo() { /* fallback implementation */ }
// there can be multiple conditions
if #[cfg(feature = "bar")] {
fn bar() {}