macro_rules! unwrap {
// Option<T>
// ---------
// Unwraps the contained `Some` value, or otherwise returns `None`.
some? $value:expr ) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Some` value, or panics if it's `None`.
some $value:expr) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Some` value, or panics with the given message if it's `None`.
some_expect $value:expr, $message:literal) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Some` value, or the given default if it's `None`.
some_or $value:expr, $default:expr) => { ... };
// Transforms the `Option` into a `Result`, mapping `Some(T)` to `Ok(T)`,
// and `None` to `Err($err)`.
some_ok_or $value:expr, $err:expr) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Some` value or otherwise returns Err($err).
some_ok_or? $value:expr, $err:expr) => { ... };
// Result<T, E>
// ------------
// Unwraps the contained `Ok` value, or otherwise returns the `Err` value.
ok? $value:expr ) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Ok` value, or panics if it's `Err`.
ok $value:expr ) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Ok` value, or panics with the given message if it's `Err`.
ok_expect $value:expr, $message:literal) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Ok` value, or a provided default if it's `Err`.
ok_or $value:expr, $default:expr) => { ... };
// Transforms the `Result` into an `Option`, mapping `Ok(T)` to `Some(T)`,
// and `Err(_)` to `None`.
ok_some $value:expr) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Ok` value, otherwise returns `None`.
ok_some? $value:expr) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Err` value, or panics if it's `Ok`.
err $value:expr ) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Err` value, or panics the given message if it's `Ok`.
err_expect $value:expr, $message:literal) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Err` value, or a provided default if it's `Ok`.
err_or $value:expr, $default:expr) => { ... };
// Transforms the `Result` into an `Option`, mapping `Err(E)` to `Some(E)`,
// and `Ok(_)` to `None`.
err_some $value:expr) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Err` value, otherwise returns `None`.
err_some? $value:expr) => { ... };
// OptRes<T, E>
// ------------
// Unwraps the contained `Some(Ok)` value,
// or otherwise either returns the `Some(Err)` value or `None`.
sok? $value:expr ) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Some(Ok)` value,
// or panics if it's `Some(Err)` or `None`.
sok $value:expr ) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Some(Ok)` value,
// or panics with the given message if it's `Some(Err)` or `None`.
sok_expect $value:expr, $message:literal) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Some(Ok)` value,
// or a provided default if it's `Some(Err)` or `None`.
sok_or $value:expr, $default:expr) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Some(Err)` value,
// or panics if it's `Some(Ok)` or `None`.
serr $value:expr ) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Some(Err)` value,
// or panics with the given message if it's `Some(Ok)` or `None`.
serr_expect $value:expr, $message:literal) => { ... };
// Unwraps the contained `Some(Err)` value,
// or a provided default if it's `Some(Ok)` or `None`.
serr_or $value:expr, $default:expr) => { ... };