
Module codecs

Available on crate feature dep_symphonia only.
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The codec module provides the traits and support structures necessary to implement audio codec decoders.


  • A CodecDescriptor stores a description of a single logical codec. Common information such as the CodecType, a short name, and a long name are provided. The CodecDescriptor also provides an instantiation function. When the instantiation function is called, a Decoder for the codec is returned.
  • Codec parameters stored in a container format’s headers and metadata may be passed to a codec using the CodecParameters structure.
  • A CodecRegistry allows the registration of codecs, and provides a method to instantiate a Decoder given a CodecParameters object.
  • A CodecType is a unique identifier used to identify a specific codec.
  • DecoderOptions is a common set of options that all decoders use.
  • FinalizeResult contains optional information that can only be found, calculated, or determined after decoding is complete.


  • A method and expected value to perform verification on the decoded audio.



  • A Decoder implements a codec’s decode algorithm. It consumes Packets and produces AudioBuffers.


  • Declares a new CodecType given a character code. A character code is an ASCII string containing a maximum of 5 alphanumeric characters.