macro_rules! _str { (compare: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::compare!{$($t)*} };
(concat: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::concat!{$($t)*} };
(concat_bytes: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::concat_bytes!{$($t)*} };
(contains: $($t:tt)*) => { $crate::_dep::const_str::contains!{$($t)*} };
(cstr: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::cstr!{$($t)*} };
(encode: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::encode!{$($t)*} };
(encode_z: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::encode_z!{$($t)*} };
(ends_with: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::ends_with!{$($t)*} };
(equal: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::equal!{$($t)*} };
(from_utf8: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::from_utf8!{$($t)*} };
(hex: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::hex!{$($t)*} };
(join: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::join!{$($t)*} };
(parse: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::parse!{$($t)*} };
(raw_cstr: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::raw_cstr!{$($t)*} };
(repeat: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::repeat!{$($t)*} };
(replace: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::replace!{$($t)*} };
(sorted: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::sorted!{$($t)*} };
(split: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::split!{$($t)*} };
(starts_with: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::starts_with!{$($t)*} };
(strip_prefix: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::strip_prefix!{$($t)*} };
(strip_suffix: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::strip_suffix!{$($t)*} };
(to_byte_array: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::to_byte_array!{$($t)*} };
(to_char_array: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::to_char_array!{$($t)*} };
(to_str: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::to_str!{$($t)*} };
is_ascii: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::is_ascii!{$($t)*} };
(convert_ascii_case: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::convert_ascii_case!{$($t)*} };
(eq_ignore_ascii_case: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::eq_ignore_ascii_case!{$($t)*} };
(squish: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::squish!{$($t)*} };
(unwrap: $($t:tt)*) => {$crate::_dep::const_str::unwrap!{$($t)*} };
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly_doc", doc(cfg(feature = "dep_const_str")))]
pub use _str as str;
mod tests {
use crate::{const_assert, str, unwrap, CStr, Slice};
const ONE: &str = "1";
const TWO: &str = "2";
const TEN: &str = "10";
const LANGS: &str = "hello你好";
const fn compare() {
const_assert!(str!(compare: <, ONE, TEN));
const_assert!(str!(compare: >=, TWO, ONE));
const_assert!(!str!(compare: <, TWO, ONE));
const fn concat() {
const MESSAGE: &str = str!(concat: TWO, " > ", ONE);
const_assert!(str!(compare: ==, MESSAGE, "2 > 1"));
const fn concat_bytes() {
const S1: &[u8; 7] = str!(concat_bytes: b'A', b"BC", [68, b'E', 70], "G");
const S2: &[u8; 12] = str!(concat_bytes: S1, "/123", 0u8);
const_assert!(str!(compare: ==, S1, b"ABCDEFG"));
const_assert!(str!(compare: ==, S2, b"ABCDEFG/123\x00"));
const fn contains() {
const_assert!(str!(contains: TEN, "1"));
const_assert!(!str!(contains: TEN, "2"));
const fn cstr() {
const CSTR: &CStr = str!(cstr: "%d\n");
const BYTES: &[u8; 4] = unwrap!(some CSTR.to_bytes_with_nul().first_chunk::<4>());
const_assert!(str!(compare: ==, BYTES, b"%d\n\0"));
const fn encode() {
const LANGS_UTF8: &[u8] = str!(encode: utf8, LANGS);
const LANGS_UTF16: &[u16] = str!(encode: utf16, LANGS);
const_assert!(eq_buf LANGS_UTF8, &[104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 228, 189, 160, 229, 165, 189]);
const_assert!(Slice::<u16>::eq(LANGS_UTF16, &[104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 20320, 22909]));
const fn encode_z() {
const LANGS_UTF8: &[u8] = str!(encode_z: utf8, LANGS);
const LANGS_UTF16: &[u16] = str!(encode_z: utf16, LANGS);
const_assert!(eq_buf LANGS_UTF8,
&[104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 228, 189, 160, 229, 165, 189, 0]
const_assert!(Slice::<u16>::eq(LANGS_UTF16, &[104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 20320, 22909, 0]));
const fn ends_with() {
const_assert!(str!(ends_with: TEN, "0"));
const_assert!(!str!(ends_with: TEN, "1"));
const_assert!(str!(ends_with: LANGS, "好"));
const fn equal() {}
const fn from_utf8() {
const BYTE_PATH: &[u8] = b"/tmp/file";
const PATH: &str = str!(from_utf8: BYTE_PATH);
const_assert!(eq_str PATH, "/tmp/file");
const fn hex() {
const HEX: [u8; 4] = str!(hex: "01020304");
const_assert!(eq_buf & str!(hex: "01020304"), &[1, 2, 3, 4]);
const_assert!(eq_buf & str!(hex: "a1 b2 C3 D4"), &[0xA1, 0xB2, 0xc3, 0xd4]);
const_assert!(eq_buf & str!(hex: ["0a0B", "0C0d"]), &[10, 11, 12, 13]);
const fn join() {
const_assert!(eq_str str!(join: &[ONE, TWO, TEN], ","), "1,2,10");
const_assert!(eq_str str!(join: &[ONE, TWO, TEN], ""), "1210");
const fn parse() {
const_assert!(eq str!(parse: "true", bool), true);
const_assert!(eq str!(parse: "false", bool), false);
const_assert!(eq str!(parse: "16723", usize), 16723);
const_assert!(eq str!(parse: "-100", i8), -100);
const_assert!(eq str!(parse: "€", char), '€');
const fn raw_cstr() {
const CCHAR: *const crate::c_char = str!(raw_cstr: "%d\n");
const fn repeat() {
const_assert!(eq_str str!(repeat: TEN, 3), "101010");
const fn replace() {
const_assert!(eq_str str!(replace: "original", "gin", "tonic"), "oritonical");
const_assert!(eq_str str!(replace: "original", 'g', "G"), "oriGinal");
const fn sorted() {
const SORTED: &[&str] = &str!(sorted: ["one", "two", "three"]);
const_assert!(Slice::<&[&str]>::eq(SORTED, &["one", "three", "two"]));
const_assert!(Slice::<&[&str]>::eq(&str!(sorted: ["1", "2", "10"]), &["1", "10", "2"]));
const fn split() {
const TEXT: &str = "apple, kiwi, banana";
const_assert!(Slice::<&[&str]>::eq(&str!(split: TEXT, ", "), &["apple", "kiwi", "banana"]));
const fn starts_with() {
const_assert!(str!(starts_with: "banana", 'b'));
const_assert!(str!(starts_with: "banana", "ban"));
const_assert!(!str!(starts_with: "banana", "a"));
const fn strip_prefix() {
const_assert!(eq_str unwrap![some str!(strip_prefix: "banana", "ban")], "ana");
const_assert!(str!(strip_prefix: "banana", "a").is_none());
const fn strip_suffix() {
const_assert!(eq_str unwrap![some str!(strip_suffix: "banana", "ana")], "ban");
const_assert!(str!(strip_suffix: "banana", "b").is_none());
const fn to_byte_array() {
const ARRAY: [u8; 5] = str![to_byte_array: "hello"];
const_assert!(eq_buf & ARRAY, &[b'h', b'e', b'l', b'l', b'o']);
const fn to_char_array() {
const ARRAY: [char; 5] = str![to_char_array: "hello"];
const_assert!(Slice::<char>::eq(&ARRAY, &['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']));
const fn to_str() {
const_assert!(eq_str str!(to_str: "string"), "string");
const_assert!(eq_str str!(to_str: '€'), "€");
const_assert!(eq_str str!(to_str: false), "false");
const_assert!(eq_str str!(to_str: 50u32 - 3), "47");
const_assert!(eq_str str!(to_str: 5i8 - 9), "-4");
const fn convert_ascii_case() {
const_assert!(eq_str str!(convert_ascii_case:lower, "Lower Case"), "lower case");
const_assert!(eq_str str!(convert_ascii_case:upper, "Upper Case"), "UPPER CASE");
const_assert!(eq_str str!(convert_ascii_case:lower_camel, "lower camel"), "lowerCamel");
const_assert!(eq_str str!(convert_ascii_case:upper_camel, "upper camel"), "UpperCamel");
const_assert!(eq_str str!(convert_ascii_case:upper_camel, "upper camel"), "UpperCamel");
const_assert!(eq_str str!(convert_ascii_case:snake, "snake case"), "snake_case");
const_assert!(eq_str str!(convert_ascii_case:kebab, "kebab case"), "kebab-case");
const_assert!(eq_str str!(convert_ascii_case:shouty_snake, "shouty snake"), "SHOUTY_SNAKE");
const_assert!(eq_str str!(convert_ascii_case:shouty_kebab, "shouty kebab"), "SHOUTY-KEBAB");
const fn eq_ignore_ascii_case() {
const_assert!(str!(eq_ignore_ascii_case: "Ferris", "FERRIS"));
const_assert!(str!(eq_ignore_ascii_case: "Ferrös", "FERRöS"));
const_assert!(!str!(eq_ignore_ascii_case: "Ferrös", "FERRÖS"));
const fn is_ascii() {
const_assert!(str!(is_ascii: "hello\n"));
const_assert!(!str!(is_ascii: LANGS));
const fn squish() {
const_assert!(eq_str str!(squish: " SQUISH \t THAT \t CAT! "), "SQUISH THAT CAT!");
const fn unwrap() {
struct NonCopy;
let a: u8 = str!(unwrap: Some(23));
let a: NonCopy = unwrap!(some Some(NonCopy)); }