mod.rsuse super::super::utils::*;
use std::{
fs::{create_dir_all, read_to_string, File},
io::{BufWriter, Error, Write},
writeln as w,
const LOWER_LIMIT: usize = 16;
#[rustfmt::skip] const MAX_RECURSION: usize = {
if cfg!(not(feature = "_unroll_128")) { 64
} else if cfg!(all(feature = "_unroll_128", not(feature = "_unroll_256"))) { 128
} else if cfg!(all(feature = "_unroll_256", not(feature = "_unroll_512"))) { 256
} else if cfg!(all(feature = "_unroll_512", not(feature = "_unroll_1024"))) { 512
} else if cfg!(all(feature = "_unroll_1024", not(feature = "_unroll_2048"))) { 1024
} else { 2048 }
pub(crate) fn generate() -> Result<(), Error> {
let build_out_dir = out_dir().join("build/");
let path = build_out_dir.join("");
#[cfg(feature = "__dbg")]
println(&format!("generated: {}", path.display()));
let file = File::create(path)?;
let mut f = BufWriter::new(file);
let macro_code1 = r#"/// Unrolls the given for loop.
/// # Example
/// ```ignore
/// unroll! {
/// for i in 0..5 {
/// println!("Iteration {}", i);
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// will expand into:
/// ```ignore
/// { println!("Iteration {}", 0); }
/// { println!("Iteration {}", 1); }
/// { println!("Iteration {}", 2); }
/// { println!("Iteration {}", 3); }
/// { println!("Iteration {}", 4); }
/// ```
/// # Features
/// By default it's implemented for a maximum recusion of 64 iterations.
/// It supports increased limits of 128, 256, 512, 1024 and 2048 by enabling the
/// corresponding capability feature: `_unroll_[128|256|512|1024|2048]`.
/// # Derived work"#;
w!(f, "{0}", macro_code1)?;
let modifications = manifest_dir()
w!(f, "#[doc = \"{}\"]", &read_to_string(modifications)?)?;
let macro_code2 = r#"#[doc(hidden)]
macro_rules! _unroll {
// Base case for ranges with no iterations.
for $v:ident in 0..0 $c:block) => {};
// Handles ranges with a step value.
for $v:ident < $max:tt in ($start:tt..$end:tt).step_by($val:expr) {$($c:tt)*}) => {
// Expands the loop by calculating the stepped range and recursively unrolling.
let step = $val;
let start = $start;
let end = start + ($end - start) / step;
$crate::unroll! {
for val < $max in start..end {
let $v: usize = ((val.wrapping_sub(start)) * step) + start;
// Redirects stepped ranges.
for $v:ident in ($start:tt..$end:tt).step_by($val:expr) {$($c:tt)*}) => {
$crate::unroll! {
for $v < $end in ($start..$end).step_by($val) {$($c)*}
// Simplifies parentheses in ranges.
for $v:ident in ($start:tt..$end:tt) {$($c:tt)*}) => {
$crate::unroll!{ for $v in $start..$end {$($c)*} }
// Main handler for unrolling a range.
for $v:ident in $start:tt..$end:tt {$($c:tt)*}) => {
// Calls an internal recursive macro to expand the loop.
{ $crate::unroll![@$v, 0, $end, { if $v >= $start {$($c)*} }]; }
// Validates the range and redirects to internal recursive unrolling with bounds checking.
for $v:ident < $max:tt in $start:tt..$end:tt $c:block) => {
let range = $start..$end;
assert!($max >= range.end, "`{0}` out of range `{1:?}`", stringify!($max), range,);
$crate::unroll![@$v, 0, $max, { if $v >= range.start && $v < range.end { $c } }];
// Special case for ranges starting at zero.
for $v:ident in 0..$end:tt {$($statement:tt)*}) => {
// Calls the internal recursive unrolling macro.
{ $crate::unroll![@$v, 0, $end, {$($statement)*}]; }
/* private, recursive unrolling cases */
@$v:ident, $a:expr, 0, $c:block) => {
{ const $v: usize = $a; $c }
w!(f, "{0}", macro_code2)?;
for i in 1..MAX_RECURSION + 1 {
w!(f, " (@$v:ident, $a:expr, {0}, $c:block) => {{", i)?;
if i <= LOWER_LIMIT {
w!(f, " {{ const $v: usize = $a; $c }}")?;
for a in 1..i {
w!(f, " {{ const $v: usize = $a + {0}; $c }}", a)?;
} else {
let half = i / 2;
if i % 2 == 0 {
w!(f, " $crate::unroll![@$v, $a, {0}, $c];", half)?;
w!(f, " $crate::unroll![@$v, $a + {0}, {0}, $c];", half)?;
} else {
if half > 1 {
w!(f, " $crate::unroll![@$v, $a, {0}, $c];", i - 1)?;
w!(f, " {{ const $v: usize = $a + {0}; $c }}", i - 1)?;
w!(f, " }};")?;
w!(f, "}}\n#[doc(inline)]\npub use _unroll as unroll;")?;
let tests_code1 = r#"
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "alloc"))]
mod tests {
use crate::{unroll, vec_ as vec, Vec};
fn invalid_range() {
let mut a: Vec<usize> = vec![];
unroll! {
for i in (5..4) {
fn start_at_one_with_step() {
let mut a: Vec<usize> = vec![];
unroll! {
for i in (2..4).step_by(1) {
assert_eq!(a, vec![2, 3]);
fn start_at_one() {
let mut a: Vec<usize> = vec![];
unroll! {
for i in 1..4 {
assert_eq!(a, vec![1, 2, 3]);
fn test_all() {
let a: Vec<usize> = vec![];
unroll! {
for i in 0..0 {
assert_eq!(a, (0..0).collect::<Vec<usize>>());
let mut a: Vec<usize> = vec![];
unroll! {
for i in 0..1 {
assert_eq!(a, (0..1).collect::<Vec<usize>>());
w!(f, "{0}", tests_code1)?;
w!(f, r#"
let mut a: Vec<usize> = vec![];
unroll! {{
for i in 0..{0} {{
assert_eq!(a, (0..{0}).collect::<Vec<usize>>());
let mut a: Vec<usize> = vec![];
let start = {0} / 4;
let end = start * 3;
unroll! {{
for i < {0} in start..end {{
assert_eq!(a, (start..end).collect::<Vec<usize>>());
let mut a: Vec<usize> = vec![];
unroll! {{
for i in (0..{0}).step_by(2) {{
assert_eq!(a, (0..{0} / 2).map(|x| x * 2).collect::<Vec<usize>>());
let mut a: Vec<usize> = vec![];
let start = {0} / 4;
let end = start * 3;
unroll! {{
for i < {0} in (start..end).step_by(2) {{
assert_eq!(a, (start..end).filter(|x| x % 2 == 0).collect::<Vec<usize>>());
if let Err(e) = f.flush() {
eprintln!("Failed to write to file: {0}", e);