use super::super::utils::*;
use std::{
fs::{create_dir_all, read_to_string, File},
io::{BufWriter, Error, Write},
write as w0, writeln as w,
#[rustfmt::skip] const MAX_ARITY: usize = {
if cfg!(not(feature = "_tuple_24")) { 12
} else if cfg!(all(feature = "_tuple_24", not(feature = "_tuple_36"))) { 24
} else if cfg!(all(feature = "_tuple_36", not(feature = "_tuple_48"))) { 36
} else if cfg!(all(feature = "_tuple_48", not(feature = "_tuple_72"))) { 48
} else { 72 }
pub(crate) fn generate() -> Result<(), Error> {
let build_out_dir = out_dir().join("build/");
let path = build_out_dir.join("");
#[cfg(feature = "__dbg")]
println(&format!("generated: {}", path.display()));
let file = File::create(path)?;
let mut f = BufWriter::new(file);
w!(f, r#"
#[doc = crate::TAG_DATA_STRUCTURE!()]
/// Extension trait providing convenience methods for [tuples][tuple].
/// This trait is sealed and cannot be implemented for any other type.
/// Tuples are random-access, sequentially allocated, statically sized,
/// heterogeneous data structures.
/// They enable structured grouping and access to a sequence of different types.
/// # Features
/// By default it's implemented for tuples of arity of 12 or less.
/// It supports increased arities of 24, 36, 48 and 72 by enabling the
/// corresponding capability feature: `_tuple_[24|36|48|72]`.
/// # Derived work"#)?;
let modifications = manifest_dir()
w!(f, "#[doc = \"{}\"]", &read_to_string(modifications)?)?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}#[cfg_attr(feature = \"nightly_doc\", doc(notable_trait))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = \"nightly_doc\", doc(notable_trait))]
pub trait Tuple: Sealed {{
/* constants */
/// The arity of this tuple (the number of contained elements)
const ARITY: usize;
/* name fields */
/// The first element of the tuple, at index 0.
type Head;
/// The last element of the tuple, at index `ARITY-1`.
type Tail;
/// This tuple without its head.
type NoHead;
/// This tuple without its tail.
type NoTail;
/// This tuple with an extra element `T` appended to it.
type Append<T>;
/// This tuple with an extra element `T` prepended to it.
type Prepend<T>;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY {
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// The type of the element at index {}.", i)?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}type _{};", i)?;
w!(f, r#"
/// The maximum arity supported by the current compilation options.
/// See the available [features](#features) to increase this number."#)?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}const MAX_ARITY: usize = {MAX_ARITY};")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns a shared reference to the head of this tuple.
fn head(&self) -> &Self::Head;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns a shared reference to the tail of this tuple.
fn tail(&self) -> &Self::Tail;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns an exclusive reference to the head of this tuple.
fn head_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Head;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns an exclusive reference to the tail of this tuple.
fn tail_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Tail;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns this tuple with the head element splitted from the rest.
fn split_head(self) -> (Self::Head, Self::NoHead);")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns this tuple with the tail element splitted from the rest.
fn split_tail(self) -> (Self::NoTail, Self::Tail);")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns this tuple without the head.
fn no_head(self) -> Self::NoHead;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns this tuple without the tail.
fn no_tail(self) -> Self::NoTail;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Appends the given `value` to this tuple.
fn append<T>(self, value: T) -> Self::Append<T>;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Prepends the given `value` to this tuple.
fn prepend<T>(self, value: T) -> Self::Prepend<T>;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns the `nth` element, or `None` if `nth >= ARITY`.
fn nth(self, nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElement<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w!(f, ">>;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns the `nth` element cloned, or `None` if `nth >= ARITY`.
fn nth_cloned(&self, nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElement<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w!(f, ">> where ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY {
w0!(f, "Self::_{i}: Clone")?;
if i == MAX_ARITY-1 { w!(f, ";")?; } else { w0!(f, ",")?; }
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns a shared reference to the `nth` element,
/// or `None` if `nth >= ARITY`.
fn nth_ref(&self, nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElementRef<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w!(f, ">>;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns an exclusive reference to the `nth` element,
/// or `None` if `nth >= ARITY`.
fn nth_mut(&mut self, nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElementMut<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w!(f, ">>;")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns an iterator over elements of the tuple.
fn into_iter(self) -> TupleIter<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w!(f, ">;")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns an iterator over shared references to elements of the tuple.
fn iter_ref(&self) -> TupleIterRef<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w!(f, ">;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns an iterator over exclusive reference to elements of the tuple.
fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> TupleIterMut<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w!(f, ">;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns the arity (number of elements) of this tuple.
fn arity(&self) -> usize {{ Self::ARITY }}")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Wraps the tuple in a [`TupleFmt`] for formatting purposes.
fn fmt(&self) -> TupleFmt<Self> where Self: Sized {{ TupleFmt(self) }}")?;
w!(f, "}}")?; w!(f, "impl Sealed for () {{}}")?;
w!(f, r#"impl Tuple for () {{
const ARITY: usize = 0;
type Head = ();
type Tail = ();
type NoHead = ();
type NoTail = ();
type Append<T> = (T,);
type Prepend<T> = (T,);
// methods
fn head(&self) -> &Self::Head {{ self }}
fn tail(&self) -> &Self::Tail {{ self }}
fn head_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Head {{ self }}
fn tail_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Tail {{ self }}
fn split_head(self) -> (Self::Head, Self::NoHead) {{ ((), ()) }}
fn split_tail(self) -> (Self::NoTail, Self::Tail) {{ ((), ()) }}
fn no_head(self) -> Self::NoHead {{}}
fn no_tail(self) -> Self::NoTail {{}}
fn append<T>(self, value: T) -> Self::Append<T> {{ (value,) }}
fn prepend<T>(self, value: T) -> Self::Prepend<T> {{ (value,) }}
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w!(f, "{TAB1}type _{i} = ();")?; }
w!(f, "\n{TAB1}fn nth(self, _nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElement<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; } w!(f, ">> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}None")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}}}")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn nth_cloned(&self, _nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElement<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; } w!(f, ">> where ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i}: Clone,")?; }
w!(f, "{{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}None")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}}}")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn nth_ref(&self, _nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElementRef<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; } w!(f, ">> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}None")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}}}")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn nth_mut(&mut self, _nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElementMut<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; } w!(f, ">> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}None")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}}}")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn into_iter(self) -> TupleIter<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> {{
TupleIter {{
tuple: (")?; for _ in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "None, ")?; } w!(f, "),
front_index: 0,
back_index: 0,
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn iter_ref(&self) -> TupleIterRef<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> {{
TupleIterRef {{
tuple: (")?; for _ in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "&(), ")?; } w!(f, "),
front_index: 0,
back_index: 0,
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> TupleIterMut<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> {{
TupleIterMut {{
tuple: (")?; for _ in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "None, ")?; } w!(f, "),
front_index: 0,
back_index: 0,
w!(f, "}}")?;
w!(f, r#"
impl TupleDebug for () {{
fn fmt_debug(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult<()> {{
impl TupleDisplay for () {{
fn fmt_display(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult<()> {{
write!(f, "()")
w!(f, "impl<_0> Sealed for (_0,) {{}}")?;
w!(f, r#"impl<_0> Tuple for (_0,) {{
const ARITY: usize = 1;
type Head = _0;
type Tail = _0;
type NoHead = ();
type NoTail = ();
type Append<T> = (_0, T);
type Prepend<T> = (T, _0);
// methods
fn head(&self) -> &Self::Head {{ &self.0 }}
fn tail(&self) -> &Self::Tail {{ &self.0 }}
fn head_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Head {{ &mut self.0 }}
fn tail_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Tail {{ &mut self.0 }}
fn split_head(self) -> (Self::Head, Self::NoHead) {{ (self.0, ()) }}
fn split_tail(self) -> (Self::NoTail, Self::Tail) {{ ((), self.0) }}
fn no_head(self) -> Self::NoHead {{}}
fn no_tail(self) -> Self::NoTail {{}}
fn append<T>(self, value: T) -> Self::Append<T> {{ (self.0, value) }}
fn prepend<T>(self, value: T) -> Self::Prepend<T> {{ (value, self.0) }}
w!(f, "type _0 = _0;")?;
for i in 1..MAX_ARITY { w!(f, "type _{i} = ();")?; }
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn nth(self, nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElement<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; } w!(f, ">> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}match nth {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB3}0 => Some(TupleElement::_0(self.0)),")?;
w!(f, "{TAB3}_ => None,")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}}}")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}}}")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn nth_cloned(&self, nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElement<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; } w!(f, ">> where ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i}: Clone,")?; }
w!(f, "{{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}match nth {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB3}0 => Some(TupleElement::_0(self.0.clone())),")?;
w!(f, "{TAB3}_ => None,")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}}}")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}}}")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn nth_ref(&self, nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElementRef<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; } w!(f, ">> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}match nth {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB3}0 => Some(TupleElementRef::_0(&self.0)),")?;
w!(f, "{TAB3}_ => None,")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}}}")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}}}")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn nth_mut(&mut self, nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElementMut<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; } w!(f, ">> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}match nth {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB3}0 => Some(TupleElementMut::_0(&mut self.0)),")?;
w!(f, "{TAB3}_ => None,")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}}}")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}}}")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn into_iter(self) -> TupleIter<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> {{
TupleIter {{
tuple: (Some(self.0), ")?;
for _ in 1..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "None, ")?; }
w!(f, "),
front_index: 0,
back_index: 0,
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn iter_ref(&self) -> TupleIterRef<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> {{
TupleIterRef {{
tuple: (&self.0, ")?;
for _ in 1..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "&(), ")?; }
w!(f, "),
front_index: 0,
back_index: 0,
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> TupleIterMut<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> {{
TupleIterMut {{
tuple: (Some(&mut self.0), ")?;
for _ in 1..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "None, ")?; }
w!(f, "),
front_index: 0,
back_index: 0,
w!(f, "}}")?;
w!(f, r#"
impl<_0: Debug> TupleDebug for (_0,) {{
fn fmt_debug(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult<()> {{
impl<_0: Display> TupleDisplay for (_0,) {{
fn fmt_display(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult<()> {{
write!(f, "({{}},)", &self.0)
for arity in 2..=MAX_ARITY {
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..arity { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> Sealed for (")?; for i in 0..arity { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w!(f, ") {{}}")?;
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..arity { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> Tuple for (")?; for i in 0..arity { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w!(f, ") {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}const ARITY: usize = {arity};")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// The first element of the tuple, at index 0.")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}type Head = _0;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// The last element of the tuple, at index `ARITY-1`.")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}type Tail = _{};", arity-1)?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}///.")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}type NoHead = (")?; for i in 1..arity { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, ");")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}type NoTail = (")?; for i in 0..arity-1 { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, ");")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}type Append<T> = (")?; for i in 0..arity { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "T);")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}type Prepend<T> = (T, ")?; for i in 0..arity { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, ");")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// The type of the element at index 0 (the first field).")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}type _0 = _0;")?;
for i in 1..arity-1 {
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// The type of the element at index {i}.")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}type _{i} = _{i};")?;
if arity > 1 {
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// The type of the element at index {} (the last field).", arity-1)?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}type _{0} = _{0};", arity-1)?;
for i in arity..MAX_ARITY {
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Non-existing element with current arity.")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}type _{i} = ();")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn head(&self) -> &Self::Head {{ &self.0 }}")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn tail(&self) -> &Self::Tail {{ &self.{} }}", arity-1)?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn head_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Head {{ &mut self.0 }}")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn tail_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Tail {{ &mut self.{} }}", arity-1)?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn split_head(self) -> (Self::Head, Self::NoHead) {{ (self.0, (")?;
for i in 1..arity { w0!(f, "self.{i},")?; }
w!(f, ")) }}")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn split_tail(self) -> (Self::NoTail, Self::Tail) {{ ((")?;
for i in 0..arity-1 { w0!(f, "self.{i},")?; }
w!(f, "), self.{}) }}", arity-1)?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn no_head(self) -> Self::NoHead {{ (")?;
for i in 1..arity { w0!(f, "self.{i},")?; }
w!(f, ") }}")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn no_tail(self) -> Self::NoTail {{ (")?;
for i in 0..arity-1 { w0!(f, "self.{i},")?; }
w!(f, ") }}")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn append<T>(self, value: T) -> Self::Append<T> {{ (")?;
for i in 0..arity { w0!(f, "self.{i},")?; }
w!(f, "value) }}")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn prepend<T>(self, value: T) -> Self::Prepend<T> {{ (value, ")?;
for i in 0..arity { w0!(f, "self.{i},")?; }
w!(f, ") }}")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn nth(self, nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElement<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w!(f, ">> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}match nth {{")?;
for i in 0..arity {
w!(f, "{TAB3}{i} => Some(TupleElement::_{i}(self.{i})),")?; }
w!(f, "{TAB3}_ => None")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}}}")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}}}")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn nth_cloned(&self, nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElement<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; } w!(f, ">> where ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i}: Clone,")?; }
w!(f, "{{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}match nth {{")?;
for i in 0..arity {
w!(f, "{TAB3}{i} => Some(TupleElement::_{i}(self.{i}.clone())),")?; }
w!(f, "{TAB3}_ => None")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}}}")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}}}")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn nth_ref(&self, nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElementRef<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w!(f, ">> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}match nth {{")?;
for i in 0..arity {
w!(f, "{TAB3}{i} => Some(TupleElementRef::_{i}(&self.{i})),")?; }
w!(f, "{TAB3}_ => None")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}}}")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}}}")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn nth_mut(&mut self, nth: usize) -> Option<TupleElementMut<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w!(f, ">> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}match nth {{")?;
for i in 0..arity {
w!(f, "{TAB3}{i} => Some(TupleElementMut::_{i}(&mut self.{i})),")?; }
w!(f, "{TAB3}_ => None")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}}}")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}}}")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn into_iter(self) -> TupleIter<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> {{
let back_index = self.arity() - 1;
TupleIter {{
tuple: (Some(self.0), Some(self.1), ")?;
for i in 2..arity { w0!(f, "Some(self.{i}), ")?; }
for _ in arity..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "None, ")?; }
w!(f, "),
front_index: 0,
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn iter_ref(&self) -> TupleIterRef<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> {{
let back_index = self.arity() - 1;
TupleIterRef {{
tuple: (&self.0, &self.1, ")?;
for i in 2..arity { w0!(f, "&self.{i}, ")?; }
for _ in arity..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "&(), ")?; }
w!(f, "),
front_index: 0,
w0!(f, "{TAB1}fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> TupleIterMut<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Self::_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> {{
let back_index = self.arity() - 1;
TupleIterMut {{
tuple: (Some(&mut self.0), Some(&mut self.1), ")?;
for i in 2..arity { w0!(f, "Some(&mut self.{i}), ")?; }
for _ in arity..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "None, ")?; }
w!(f, "),
front_index: 0,
w!(f, "}}")?; w!(f, "#[rustfmt::skip]")?;
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..arity { w0!(f, "_{i}: Debug, ")?; }
w0!(f, "> TupleDebug for (")?; for i in 0..arity { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w!(f, ") {{\n{TAB1}fn fmt_debug(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult<()> {{")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB2}f.debug_tuple(\"\")")?;
for i in 0..arity { w0!(f, ".field(&self.{i})")?; }
w!(f, ".finish()")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}}}\n}}")?;
w!(f, "#[rustfmt::skip]")?;
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..arity { w0!(f, "_{i}: Display, ")?; }
w0!(f, "> TupleDisplay for (")?; for i in 0..arity { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w!(f, ") {{\n{TAB1}fn fmt_display(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult<()> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB2}write!(f, \"({{}}\", &self.0)?;")?;
for i in 1..arity { w!(f, "{TAB2}write!(f, \", {{}}\", &self.{i})?;")?; }
w!(f, "{TAB2}write!(f, \")\")")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}}}\n}}")?;
w!(f, "/// An element of a [`Tuple`].")?;
w!(f, "#[non_exhaustive]")?;
w!(f, "#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]")?;
w0!(f, "pub enum TupleElement<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY {
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// The tuple element at index {i}.")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}_{i}(_{i}),")?;
w!(f, "}}")?;
w!(f, "/// A shared reference to an element of a [`Tuple`].")?;
w!(f, "#[non_exhaustive]")?;
w!(f, "#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]")?;
w0!(f, "pub enum TupleElementRef<'a, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY {
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// A shared reference to the tuple element at index {i}.")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}_{i}(&'a _{i}),")?;
w!(f, "}}")?;
w!(f, "/// An exclusive reference to an element of a [`Tuple`].")?;
w!(f, "#[non_exhaustive]")?;
w!(f, "#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]")?;
w0!(f, "pub enum TupleElementMut<'a, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY {
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// An exclusive reference to the tuple element at index {i}.")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}_{i}(&'a mut _{i}),")?;
w!(f, "}}")?;
w!(f, r"#[doc = crate::TAG_ITERATOR!()]")?;
w!(f, "/// An iterator over elements of a [`Tuple`].")?;
w!(f, "#[derive(Clone)]")?;
w0!(f, "pub struct TupleIter<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w!(f, "#[allow(clippy::type_complexity)]")?;
w!(f, "tuple: (")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Option<_{i}>,")?; } w!(f, "),")?;
w!(f, "front_index: usize,")?;
w!(f, "back_index: usize,")?;
w!(f, "}}")?;
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w0!(f, "> TupleIter<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}/// Returns the remaining elements in the iterator.
pub const fn remaining(&self) -> usize {{ self.back_index + 1 - self.front_index }}
w!(f, r"#[doc = crate::TAG_ITERATOR!()]")?;
w!(f, "/// An iterator over shared references to elements of a [`Tuple`].")?;
w!(f, "#[derive(Clone)]")?;
w!(f, "pub struct TupleIterRef<'a, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w!(f, "#[allow(clippy::type_complexity)]")?;
w!(f, "tuple: (")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "&'a _{i},")?; } w!(f, "),")?;
w!(f, "front_index: usize,")?;
w!(f, "back_index: usize,")?;
w!(f, "}}")?;
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w0!(f, "> TupleIterRef<'_, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w!(f, "/// Returns the remaining elements in the iterator.
pub const fn remaining(&self) -> usize {{ self.back_index + 1 - self.front_index }}
w!(f, r"#[doc = crate::TAG_ITERATOR!()]")?;
w!(f, "/// An iterator over exclusive references to elements of a [`Tuple`].")?;
w!(f, "pub struct TupleIterMut<'a, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w!(f, "#[allow(clippy::type_complexity)]")?;
w!(f, "tuple: (")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "Option<&'a mut _{i}>,")?; } w!(f, "),")?;
w!(f, "front_index: usize,")?;
w!(f, "back_index: usize,")?;
w!(f, "}}")?;
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> TupleIterMut<'_, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w!(f, "/// Returns the remaining elements in the iterator.
pub const fn remaining(&self) -> usize {{ self.back_index + 1 - self.front_index }}
w!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w!(f, "> Iterator for TupleIter<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w0!(f, "{TAB1}type Item = TupleElement<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w0!(f, ">;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {{
if self.front_index > self.back_index {{
}} else {{
let result = match self.front_index {{")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY {
w!(f, "{TAB5}{i} => self.tuple.{i}.take().map(TupleElement::_{i}),")?;
w!(f, "{TAB5}_ => None,
self.front_index += 1;
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {{
(self.remaining(), Some(self.remaining()))
fn count(self) -> usize {{ self.remaining() }}
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> DoubleEndedIterator for TupleIter<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {{
if self.front_index > self.back_index {{
}} else {{
let result = match self.back_index {{")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY {
w!(f, "{TAB5}{i} => self.tuple.{i}.take().map(TupleElement::_{i}),")?;
w!(f, "{TAB5}_ => None,
if self.back_index == 0 {{
self.front_index = self.back_index + 1; // Ensure iteration stops
}} else {{
self.back_index -= 1;
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> ExactSizeIterator for TupleIter<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn len(&self) -> usize {{ self.remaining() }}
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> core::iter::FusedIterator for TupleIter<")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{}}")?;
w0!(f, "impl<'a, ")?; for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> Iterator for TupleIterRef<'a, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w!(f, "type Item = TupleElementRef<'a, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, ">;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {{
if self.front_index > self.back_index {{
}} else {{
let result = match self.front_index {{")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY {
w!(f, "{TAB5}{i} => Some(TupleElementRef::_{i}(self.tuple.{i})),")?;
w!(f, "{TAB5}_ => None,
self.front_index += 1;
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {{
(self.remaining(), Some(self.remaining()))
fn count(self) -> usize {{ self.remaining() }}
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> DoubleEndedIterator for TupleIterRef<'_, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {{
if self.front_index > self.back_index {{
}} else {{
let result = match self.back_index {{")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY {
w!(f, "{TAB5}{i} => Some(TupleElementRef::_{i}(self.tuple.{i})),")?;
w!(f, "{TAB5}_ => None,
if self.back_index == 0 {{
self.front_index = self.back_index + 1; // Ensure iteration stops
}} else {{
self.back_index -= 1;
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> ExactSizeIterator for TupleIterRef<'_, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn len(&self) -> usize {{ self.remaining() }}
w0!(f, "impl<'a, ")?; for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> Iterator for TupleIterMut<'a, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w0!(f, "type Item = TupleElementMut<'a, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, ">;")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {{
if self.front_index > self.back_index {{
}} else {{
let result = match self.front_index {{")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY {
w!(f, "{TAB5}{i} => self.tuple.{i}.take().map(TupleElementMut::_{i}),")?;
w!(f, "{TAB5}_ => None,
self.front_index += 1;
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {{
(self.remaining(), Some(self.remaining()))
fn count(self) -> usize {{ self.remaining() }}
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> DoubleEndedIterator for TupleIterMut<'_, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {{
if self.front_index > self.back_index {{
}} else {{
let result = match self.back_index {{")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY {
w!(f, "{TAB5}{i} => self.tuple.{i}.take().map(TupleElementMut::_{i}),")?;
w!(f, "{TAB5}_ => None,
if self.back_index == 0 {{
self.front_index = self.back_index + 1; // Ensure iteration stops
}} else {{
self.back_index -= 1;
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> ExactSizeIterator for TupleIterMut<'_, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w!(f, "> {{")?;
w!(f, "{TAB1}fn len(&self) -> usize {{ self.remaining() }}
w0!(f, "impl<")?; for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; }
w0!(f, "> core::iter::FusedIterator for TupleIterMut<'_, ")?;
for i in 0..MAX_ARITY { w0!(f, "_{i},")?; } w0!(f, "> {{}}")?;
if let Err(e) = f.flush() {
eprintln!("Failed to write to file: {}", e);